Widescreen Gaming Forum

GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]
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Author:  Bounty [ 07 Jun 2005, 20:54 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas was released today, with support for widescreen gameplay.

Woohoo! :)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 07 Jun 2005, 21:00 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]


Wonder if it has the offset crosshair problem that Vice City had when using widescreen mode? :?:

Author:  Bounty [ 07 Jun 2005, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

I'm going to pick it up on the way home - I'll post some screenshots. :)

Author:  xens [ 07 Jun 2005, 23:07 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

It supports the resolutions, but objects are still stretched and squished, therefore we still need a solution to change the FOV. I'm playing it right now.

Author:  Bounty [ 08 Jun 2005, 03:03 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]


Wonder if it has the offset crosshair problem that Vice City had when using widescreen mode? :?:

Well, I don't think this is the same thing - I think this crosshair is off just because he's holding the gun "gangsta" style ... :lol:

But here's a screenie: http://www.worldcrossings.com/hchord/screenshots/GTA-SA/GTA-SA_1680x1050_4.jpg

More screenshots available here: http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1007

Author:  JetSonic [ 08 Jun 2005, 05:57 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Yep, just picked up the game at Best Buy and installed it, it looks beautiful in widescreen. Maxed out draw distance, man this game is really sweet looking.

And the maps are HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  tk421 [ 08 Jun 2005, 15:24 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

it's not the same as III and VC - the widescreen button in the options doesnt work quite the same.

running it at 1280x768@32 on my 9600pro:

first, i maxxed everything but AA, and hit widescreen. choppy graphics with limiter on or off.

second, i left the widescreen button on, and lowered the draw distance to 4 bars, quality to low, and still choppy.

i uncheck the widescreen button, maxxed everything out, and it didnt get choppy till i hit 3 on the AA.

I think that this game is a LOT more gpu hungry than the last 2. i had yet to find a game that really made my card feel old. i guess it's time for an upgrade.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 08 Jun 2005, 15:32 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Well, I don't think this is the same thing - I think this crosshair is off just because he's holding the gun "gangsta" style ... :lol:

But here's a screenie: http://www.worldcrossings.com/hchord/screenshots/GTA-SA/GTA-SA_1680x1050_4.jpg

I didn't quite mean like that - I meant does it do what Vice City did (I'm not sure about GTA3, I only played it on the PS2) and have the bullets that you fire land about an inch (on the screen) to the right of the crosshair. Once you were aware of it, and with a weapon that could fire quickly, it wasn't a problem, but with the pistols, it was a nightmare! :lol:

Author:  Bounty [ 08 Jun 2005, 15:40 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Ah! No - no problems like that - targeting is dead-on in this!

My biggest gripe right now is that the mouse, while driving, is in permanant "free look" mode -- I hate that. When I turn the vehicle, I want the "camera" to follow the turn AUTOMATICALLY - I don't want to have to turn it with my mouse to keep from getting screwed up mentally about the direction I'm actually headed in!

Author:  StreetPreacher [ 08 Jun 2005, 17:37 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Is there any trick to getting all of the widescreen resolutions to show up in the game selection screen?

I normally run my games at 1600x900 or 1776x1000, but for some reason GTA doesn't give me those options...

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