How are you adding the multiple switches? They should be outside of the quotes around the path.
Example time... ;) (I know that this is about Doom 3, I'm using Quake 3 as an example, the rules hold the same for any switches added to command lines.)
If the 'Target:' line in the shortcut tab of the properties panel doesn't have any quotes, just add the switches on the end. Like this:
D:Quake3Arenaquake3.exe +seta r_mode -1 +seta r_width 1680 +seta r_height 1050 +seta cg_fov 105
While if it does have quotes, it should look like this:
"D:Quake3Arenaquake3.exe" +seta r_mode -1 +seta r_width 1680 +seta r_height 1050 +seta cg_fov 105
(1680 and 1050 are there for example purposes: change them to whatever res you need)
Spaces are very important. If they're in the wrong places, or missing, it won't work.
Hope this helps. Doom 3 is currently languishing in it's box, until I work up some enthusiasm again for wandering around in the dark jumping at the slightest sound. :lol:
You're original idea would have worked, but be careful with the quotes! ;) Try the 'exec_one.cfg' and 'exec_two.cfg' idea with the +exec switch... that might work. Something like:
"D:Doom3doom3.exe" +exec autoexec.cfg