Widescreen Gaming Forum

nfs hot pursuit2
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Author:  Dawson [ 25 Jan 2005, 18:54 ]
Post subject:  nfs hot pursuit2

I have the demo to see if it works on my widescreen and the game does but the menu cuts off all the bottom buttons...how do you get the game menu to show up at 856x480?

I found a file called gpu.ini in the gui folder but when I change the pc res there it cuts off even more of the screen so I'm not sure whats going on with that.


Author:  Dawson [ 25 Jan 2005, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  nfs hot pursuit2

I set that gpu config file to 800x700 and for some reason that makes all the buttons on the menu's visible but the whole menu screen is still not right.

oh well, I can live with it now...now if I could figure out why the force feedback isn't working?

Author:  Hase1 [ 03 Feb 2005, 11:45 ]
Post subject:  nfs hot pursuit2

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