Widescreen Gaming Forum

can you add custom resolutions n Halo?
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Author:  OSCAR ESCARTIN [ 29 Aug 2004, 05:36 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 29 Aug 2004, 14:35 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

Yup: command line switch. Check out the readme file for instructions on how. :)

Author:  OSCAR ESCARTIN [ 29 Aug 2004, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  thanks...

thanks good sir....

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 29 Aug 2004, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

No worries. :)

Author:  aRedEyeJedi [ 16 Sep 2005, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

Paradigm Shifter

I really wanna get this game to run at 1680 1050
what would the command lne have to end up looking like. Should I just add it to the shortcut like BF2 or save or change the config? or could I change it threw the console. thanks

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 16 Sep 2005, 19:48 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

No, Halo needs the commandline switch. I was sure that we had a 'Solution: Halo' thread, but I can seem to find it. :?:

Anyway, the readme for Halo tells you how. I'll explain mine as an example.

D:Halohalo.exe -vidmode 1680,1050,60

So all you need is the '-vidmode' switch after the link to the game .exe in the 'Target' box of the shortcut; along with the width, height and refresh rate desired. :D Notice the lack of spaces between the numbers and commas. ;)

Author:  aRedEyeJedi [ 17 Sep 2005, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

Paradigm Shifter

thanks bro
ur a good member to have and always quick to respond
i just like to run every game at native res
thanks agian man peace

Author:  Daddy Cool [ 07 May 2006, 09:06 ]
Post subject:  can you add custom resolutions n Halo?

No, Halo needs the commandline switch. I was sure that we had a 'Solution: Halo' thread, but I can seem to find it. :?:

Anyway, the readme for Halo tells you how. I'll explain mine as an example.

D:Halohalo.exe -vidmode 1680,1050,60

So all you need is the '-vidmode' switch after the link to the game .exe in the 'Target' box of the shortcut; along with the width, height and refresh rate desired. :D Notice the lack of spaces between the numbers and commas. ;)

Hi again Paradigm :D

Been hunting high'n'low for a good while now to find out just exactly how to get this to work - and yours is the best post I've seen.

Thing is, after seeing this *solution* in a few others places it must be the right one, but it doesn't work for me :( however, I am using the 1.07 Patch - could this be why?

Best Regards,


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