Widescreen Gaming Forum

DOOM 3 is Awesome !
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Author:  nitro [ 03 Aug 2004, 00:00 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

hi guys, I've just run one of the most anticipated game of the year and it support WideScreen 8)

Just a word : very scary !

Here is some screenshot :

This is a special edition i've ordered 4 month ago 8)

Author:  Xenolith [ 03 Aug 2004, 05:21 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

I tried 640 x 512 (half of 1280 x 1024) using the q3 methodology and the result didn't fill up the entire screen.


Author:  robgrab [ 03 Aug 2004, 05:41 ]
Post subject:  Nice Shots!

Nice looking screen grabs! I'm personally holding off on playing Doom 3 until the hardware catches up a little bit. I'm waiting to see the benchmarks on Alienware's new dual video card SLI systems due later this year. I'm sure they'll cost an arm and a leg when they come out but I need to play my games with all the bells and whistles enabled with framerates to burn.

Author:  nitro [ 03 Aug 2004, 09:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Nice Shots!

Nice looking screen grabs! I'm personally holding off on playing Doom 3 until the hardware catches up a little bit. I'm waiting to see the benchmarks on Alienware's new dual video card SLI systems due later this year. I'm sure they'll cost an arm and a leg when they come out but I need to play my games with all the bells and whistles enabled with framerates to burn.

For info : I got a X800 Pro overclocked, P4 EE 3,2Ghz @ 3,5 and 1Go PC4400. In 1280x800 High quality FSAA 2x it run @ 60fps average


Author:  Seth [ 03 Aug 2004, 13:27 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

Nice rig..

Ive set it up with the right res, but the aspect ratio is all wrong.. any clues?

Author:  robgrab [ 03 Aug 2004, 18:07 ]
Post subject:  That's quite a rig nitro

That's good to hear that a current generation machine can run Doom 3 so efficiently. I'm reluctant to buy an ATI card now because I saw the benchmarks on HardOCP about how poorly they fared against NVIDIA's cards running Doom 3. I know that ATI's cards dominate nearly every other game out there, but Doom 3 is the only game I really want to play (besides Half Life 2). I read an article that ATI had stopped development on their OpenGL drivers over a year ago. ATI really needs to get back to work on those OpenGL drivers ASAP.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 03 Aug 2004, 21:18 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

Looks nice nitro. Another ten days before it arrives here... *sigh*

Author:  nitro [ 03 Aug 2004, 21:43 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

Looks nice nitro. Another ten days before it arrives here... *sigh*

where ?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 03 Aug 2004, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

UK. August 13th release date. At least, the last time I checked it was...

Author:  nitro [ 03 Aug 2004, 22:17 ]
Post subject:  DOOM 3 is Awesome !

The same in Paris i guess

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