[quote]I just got the VX2025wm and used that command and BF2 works fine.
I have noticed it will intermittently sometimes freak out and quit to desktop.
Also it will sometimes just go black and when i do a com/alt/del i can tell the screen rez is on 1152x864 so i am wondering whether i am really getting 1680x1050 ingame even with that shortcut hack. Will do some tests tonight and post screenies.
I get the random quits too. It happens to me when I try to log in. In fact I havent played yet because it always quits. Did you find a fix yet?
Nevermind. I didnt change my user res.
you guys using dual core x2 or core duo? there is a VERYYY well know problem that bf2 does not like dual core cpus... i have this problem with my X2 and it's basically 50/50 that it will hard crash to desktop while playing, but on my other (athlon 64 4000) it's perfect. if you have no choice, try the dual core fix from AMD site and the dual core fix from microsoft. also, once bf2 is running, alt tab, ctrl alt del into processes. right click bf2.exe set affinity to only 1 core. barely helps. :?