Widescreen Gaming Forum

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
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Author:  WalleO [ 21 Dec 2005, 07:09 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

just wanted to add that i got the game... and beside being awesome on nearly every level, it DOES support widescreen!

I got every resolution availlable for my computer starting at 640x480 all the way to 2048x1536!!! That included 1152x648 which i needed to get full 16x9 on my 50i "monitor"!! :)

no need for any mods or hack of any kind... everything worked perfectly!!

PERHAPS the fov isnt good... i havent really checked... im just SOOO happy it works 16x9!! :)


What do you mean? i have a 2405 fpw and i cant do 1680x1050 or 1920 x 1200. no one else can, are you saying you cant see resolutions for the 1920 x1200? could u take a snap shot of this so we could see please?

Author:  FireHawkX [ 21 Dec 2005, 07:55 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

your asking about "1920 x1200"?... well i only checked if THE one resolution i could use was there.... and it was... i have over 30 possible resolutions which are all the one configured to work with both my tv and my graphic card... i'll check tomorow for that 1920x1200 of yours... i personally dont play at such high res anywayz! and im pretty sure my tv wouldnt support that particular one... i'll give it a try anyway and write back! :)


Author:  dementor [ 21 Dec 2005, 15:23 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

It makes no sense that he has access to all those resolutions and no one else does.
Firehawk please provide screenshots to prove this to us.

Author:  FireHawkX [ 22 Dec 2005, 07:59 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

well i did try it again today... and the game DOES support 3 widescreen resolution (i had screenshot but had to remove them cause of limited webspace) anyway they didnt shown anything special except the 3 supported 1.777777 ratio 16x9 resolution! which are the following :

first is 1152x648,
second : 1280x720,
third : 1920x1080.

so 3 different widescreen resolution availlable... if yours isnt in thoses 3 im guessing you'll have to wait for a custom fix... sadly cause the game works perfectly fine (good fov and all so far as i can tell) with thoses 3 resolution!

take care!
-=Fire Hawk X=-

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 22 Dec 2005, 09:20 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Hey FireHawkX ...
Thanks for the screenshots ... :D

Just out of interest what is your system specs ?

And ... is there any chance you could do some comparison screenshots like those above by herman368 as it would be interesting to see if you are getting the top and bottom cut off ... as he is.

Thanks .... 8)

Author:  FireHawkX [ 22 Dec 2005, 23:13 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

well i had 2 different screenshot taken RIGHT after a load so they both were at same exact place... and they were the exact same shots as were posted a little more up on this same page! :)

it is now clear for me too that they DO crop top and bottom...
i even tried 1920x1080... and OMG! my computer LAGS!!!!! lol...
oh but its not better... it is still cropped top and bottom!

perhaps theres a way to fix this... as it would make the game more enjoyable.... BUT at least, the 16x9 resolution are not streched.... that would be the worst possible 16x9 resolution! :)

as for my computer specs, i have a 3ghz, 2gb dual channel ram and i use a DVI-2-Component adapter with a PCIexpress X700Pro 256mb from ATI... i output into a component switchbox which then sends the picture in my Sony 50 inch LCD Tv.. :)

Have a nice day!
-=Fire Hawk X=-

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 23 Dec 2005, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Sony 50 inch LCD Tv.. :)
... cool ... 8)

Thanks for the shots ... shame about the cut down view ... :(

Author:  FireHawkX [ 23 Dec 2005, 10:33 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

a shame indeed!! i played a lot tonight... the game is trully awesome btw... and i found out a few places where the cut-down view is actually an handicap... sometimes in "speed kills" the camera will position itself so that the blade glowing is actually on the top or bottom of the screen therefore outside of the 16x9 crop zone... its not that hard to get it right but it sucks to only have 3/4 of the screen...

ANY solution YET as to how to fix this? .ini? regedit? or that artmoney program? :)


EDIT : i was messing around today with the ini and stuff... and in the hardware.ini i found out the "supported resolution".... wonders if this file is unique to each computer or is the resolution the game can be played at... here are mine :

Resolutions=640,480,32, 704,480,32, 720,480,32, 720,576,32, 800,600,32, 848,480,32, 856,480,32, 864,648,32, 960,720,32, 1024,768,32, 1152,648,32, 1152,864,32, 1280,720,32, 1280,768,32, 1280,960,32, 1280,1024,32, 1360,768,32, 1360,1024,32, 1600,1200,32, 1776,1000,32, 1792,1344,32, 1800,1440,32, 1856,1392,32, 1920,1080,32, 1920,1200,32 1920,1440,32, 2048,1536,32

notice that 1920x1200 is indeed in the list! so it should work with that one too! :)

Author:  Jun_el [ 29 Dec 2005, 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

I've been running it at 1280x720 on my HDTV, if the image is cropped it's very little IMO.

Author:  bryan986 [ 02 Jan 2006, 10:52 ]
Post subject:  Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Well, 1440x900 was already listed in my hardware.ini didn't even have to add it, but it won't let me select it in the game! is there anyway to force it to start up with that resolution?

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