Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread
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Author:  Dim-Ize [ 12 Jun 2005, 18:58 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

ATI X850XTPE with Dell 2405FPW.

Using CAT 5.6. Followed tip on changing target to: "C:Program FilesBattlefield 2 DemoBF2.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200

This hack worked for me, while editig the video.con file didn't. Neither did altering the FOV to get a correct viewing distance work.

In order to get the AA to work, I had to select Aplication Preference in the control panel of my drivers (from desktop) and then allow BF2 to enable the AA. That finally worked. All settings on high, 1920x1200, 2XAA, 8X AF, VSync forced. 45FPS (30 worse case fighting scenes).

I'd be thrilled if someone can figure out the FOV fix, and even happier still if someone can figure out how to enable triplebuffering.


Author:  CaptainValor [ 12 Jun 2005, 19:59 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Why is this thread in Solutions? Obviously a solution to the FOV problem has not been reached. :?

Author:  FlakE [ 12 Jun 2005, 21:48 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Paddy, with the top and bottom cut off is everything still stretched looking? Does it look ok to play as if thats the best solution?

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 12 Jun 2005, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

The view is not stretched when at a widescreen rez.

... in my opinion ...

It is better with the higher/widescreen res (mine is at 1920x1200) ... with the top and bottom cut off ... the view is not stretched however the viewing width is about the same as a 4:3 rez when on a widescreen.

If I had a lower spec comp and some slowdown in frame rates occurring with it set at a higher/widescreen res then I would probably just run with a 4:3 rez - stretched.

It seems the HUD is stretched on widescreen whatever res is chosen.

Edited because the view is not stretched

Author:  FlakE [ 12 Jun 2005, 22:26 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Ah ok. I have the same spec comp as you except only one card so...I just got the 2005fpw dell so Im not sure if I can run it at 1900x1200. If there isnt a solution to BF2 and stretching I will probably return it since its the only game I plan on playing. I was told by ppl within BF2 ws would be possible but so far no answers. If I hear anything from them I will post.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 12 Jun 2005, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

I was told by ppl within BF2 ws would be possible but so far no answers. If I hear anything from them I will post.

I look forward to it ... hope you get good news ... :)

Author:  FlakE [ 12 Jun 2005, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Me too :). Forgot to ask, is there a way to see the stretching without being on a ws monitor, even if it is just pics? Because the comparison pics you posted, the ws one looked ok to me even though the only person I could see was way in the background.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 12 Jun 2005, 23:18 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

I'm sorry I got it wrong ... :oops:

... if you take my first screenshot at 4:3 and stretch it's width to the same size as the second widescreen shot you will see that the width view is about the same.

BUT ... at 1600x1200 you have more height view so things must be squashed down vertically if you run it on a widescreen.

So ...
The stretched/squashed appearance is greater if you run it at 1600x1200 on a widescreen.
At 1920x1200 it is not stretched but you loose some view at the top and bottom. The HUD is stretched on a widescreen whartever the rez.

This is now 1600x1200 looks stretched on my widescreen (native desktop res 1920x1200) ... click to enlarge ...
(I have scaled down the size of the screenshots ... so even when enlarged they are not at the true resolutions) ...

This it how 1920x1200 appears ... click to enlarge ...

Edit : added this bit ... The HUD is stretched on a widescreen whartever the rez.

Author:  FlakE [ 12 Jun 2005, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Ahh I see. So if I played it on my dell 2005fpw at its native res which is 1680x1250, it would not be stretched but it would cut off some of the top and bottom to compensate?

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 12 Jun 2005, 23:31 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2 Widescreen - Definitive Discussion Thread

Ahh I see. So if I played it on my dell 2005fpw at its native res which is 1680x1250, it would not be stretched but it would cut off some of the top and bottom to compensate?

I think that should be ... 1680 x 1050 ... ?

but ... Yes.

This lack of widescreen support is of course giving 3x4 screen users the advantage of the extra height view ... unless we run it at a 4:3 res squashed/stretched on a widescreen.

They could have enabled a wider field of view for widescreen users ... but instead it's like we are being penalised for owning widescreen monitors ! ... :evil:

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