Widescreen Gaming Forum

GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]
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Author:  Sir_Baron [ 11 Jun 2005, 10:01 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

anyway to get this game to run at 1280x720? 1280x1024 looks so lame on a DLP, i wants widescreen even if its stretched. :cry:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 11 Jun 2005, 11:10 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

All the res's should be selectable in the options menu.

And the heat haze is supposed to be there - although it can be a bit of a pain at times. tk421 is right about the times it starts and stops, although it isn't always obvious. :)

It took me a while to get used to the mouselook when driving, but I think I've got the hang of it now. ;)

Author:  Sir_Baron [ 11 Jun 2005, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

well its not :(, i can use 1280x720 in the other games and in the ati control panel i have forced 720p detection thingy... dag namit :'(

Author:  Jupix [ 11 Jun 2005, 14:15 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

anyway to get this game to run at 1280x720?
If it's not there in the resolution list, I guess there isn't. The resolution I use isn't there eather.

Author:  JetSonic [ 12 Jun 2005, 02:25 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

and as for the heat haze - i think it's supposed to be there. it's only apparent from about 1000 till 2000 - just like the real LA.

Just like the real L.A. , yeah okay whatever! It would be nice if it was real and the "haze" effect was off in the distance, like the REAL thing! But no, this crap is plastered two feet in front of you!!!! :(

Why on earth would any programmer code in HEAT effects into a PC game? What were they thinking? That " heat " effect is without a doubt the most idiotic piece of programming ever invented for a PC game. Unbelieveable!

While they are at it, why don't they also code in a Category 5 Hurricane, a Tornado, an erupting Volcano in the downtown area, earthquakes, meteor showers, asteroid impacts, solar eclipses.

Because it's obvious it was their intention to make the viewing screen ........

UNVIEWABLE for awhile. Sheeeeeeesh, that is just dumb.

By the way, I ran into the heat effect while I was walking around, thought I had been rid of it after downloading those new drivers. Do any Nvidia graphics cards players have this " heat " effect in the game? Or is this just an ATI Radeon problem?

Yeah I call it a problem cuz it is, even if it was coded into the game. Oh, it's a problem alright when you can't see the screen properly!!! Also why not give us drugs for our player to ingest so we can experience HALLUCINATIONS on our widescreens!!!

OMG, this " haze " effect is just outrageous!!!!!! I want the programmers name, I want it now! Whoever coded in that sadistic " haze " effect program, should be FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  Jupix [ 12 Jun 2005, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

Chill, man. It's a cool effect, it makes the surrounding world more lively and realistic.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 12 Jun 2005, 13:00 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

The heat haze is on nVidia cards the same way it is on ATi ones.

Author:  rainfever [ 14 Jun 2005, 15:52 ]
Post subject:  GTA San Andreas released today! [native ws]

and as for the heat haze - i think it's supposed to be there. it's only apparent from about 1000 till 2000 - just like the real LA.

Just like the real L.A. , yeah okay whatever! It would be nice if it was real and the "haze" effect was off in the distance, like the REAL thing! But no, this crap is plastered two feet in front of you!!!! :(

Why on earth would any programmer code in HEAT effects into a PC game? What were they thinking? That " heat " effect is without a doubt the most idiotic piece of programming ever invented for a PC game. Unbelieveable!

While they are at it, why don't they also code in a Category 5 Hurricane, a Tornado, an erupting Volcano in the downtown area, earthquakes, meteor showers, asteroid impacts, solar eclipses.

Because it's obvious it was their intention to make the viewing screen ........

UNVIEWABLE for awhile. Sheeeeeeesh, that is just dumb.

By the way, I ran into the heat effect while I was walking around, thought I had been rid of it after downloading those new drivers. Do any Nvidia graphics cards players have this " heat " effect in the game? Or is this just an ATI Radeon problem?

Yeah I call it a problem cuz it is, even if it was coded into the game. Oh, it's a problem alright when you can't see the screen properly!!! Also why not give us drugs for our player to ingest so we can experience HALLUCINATIONS on our widescreens!!!

OMG, this " haze " effect is just outrageous!!!!!! I want the programmers name, I want it now! Whoever coded in that sadistic " haze " effect program, should be FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get back on your meds man, i can see how it would be annoying for you, but to bash the heat effect is wrong.

A programmed heat effect is pretty sweet looking (doom 3 is the only example i can think of right now) but an effed look that is there due to your specific videocard/driver setup would be annoying.

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