Widescreen Gaming Forum

Skyrim Multi-Monitor User Interface Fix Discussion
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Author:  stutuk [ 01 Dec 2011, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  Here you go then -

Here you go then - http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/Catalyst1111cperformance.aspx

If you already have 11.11b then all it does is - Delivers AMD CrossfireX performance scaling for the AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series

Author:  Gimpylung [ 01 Dec 2011, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Wurfi wrote:Hi HaYDeN

Hi HaYDeN :-)

First.Sorry for my bad English.I am from Germany.

Before Skyrim is patched i use your tool version 0.3.The game runs good and the map work without any problems.
After the the patch i use the tool version 0.7.Everything is ok but the Map is not working.The icons are only on the middle monitor or
on the left monitor when i use the hotkeys.I have the same problem with version 0.4a and 0.4b.I hope you can make a fix for this Problem.

Thanks for your great work HaYDeN.


Yeah, same issues with the map here too. 0.3. and 0.4a were fine however. I think 0.4b used to have identical problems for me, not too sure though if they were exactly the same problems as I used 4b for about 30seconds before switching back to 4a.

In my case the map icons only show on the centre monitor and the mouse pointer is highlighting locations a few inches to the left of where the pointer actually is.

EDIT: Just noticed the inventory menu and the like are on the leftmost screen, the properties of items are on the rightmost screen and the mana, health and stamina are across the 3 screens too.

But I ain't moaning, just some hopefully constructive feedback, the game is very playable again and thanks for the quick 0.7 update Hayden :)

EDIT2: LOL, more feedback, unticked auto-detect and set GUI to 1680 and all was well, everything perfect, inventory, map, books etc. Launched the game again but forget to untick auto and the game was still fine???? I dunno but I'm happy. In the middle of all this I turned off fraps and the ATI Tray tools overlays and tried the game, I've enabled them again and the fix is still running perfectly. Seems manually setting GUI width just once corrected the initial bugs for, set on AUTO now and all good, hope that makes sense to you Hayden.

Author:  Hydralisk_X [ 01 Dec 2011, 23:23 ]
Post subject:  11.11c seems to make

11.11c seems to make crossfire work for me now. Scaling varies from very good to barely any in some places.

For whatever reason, Hayden's 0.7 fix sometimes breaks with crossfire. The main menu with the continue etc. options are on the sides (not a big deal), the load screen is scrunched (not a big deal), but most importantly the map breaks for some reason (big deal). Surprisingly the game runs very well on a single 5870 anyway so I'm gonna stick with that for now.

Author:  helifax [ 01 Dec 2011, 23:47 ]
Post subject:  For me v.07 is not working

For me v.07 is not working properly:
-Map has all icons zoomed on center screen
- Inventory - I cannot put any items in containers or get them...

Hope it helps

Author:  chieftex [ 01 Dec 2011, 23:57 ]
Post subject:  helifax wrote:For me v.07 is

For me v.07 is not working properly:
-Map has all icons zoomed on center screen
- Inventory - I cannot put any items in containers or get them...

Hope it helps

Helifax - does the items problem happen only with haydens fix? Or does it happen without it as well? Please test!

Author:  Kayden [ 02 Dec 2011, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Map is zoomed for me, same as

Map is zoomed for me, same as ver .04a & b were, but there is a twist this time around none of the map icons line up at all, so if I hover over a town I get nothing, but if I got to the spot on the Map for the Bottom Right I get the one for the Bottom Middle, very skewed. I am not having trouble with the inventory like helifax, but he is using a gamepad and I am using a KB & M, that could be gamepad specific.

As far as I can tell that's the only issue, every thing else is selectable and the other menus line up.

Author:  Avero [ 02 Dec 2011, 01:00 ]
Post subject:  Im having an issue where when

Im having an issue where when i hit "Play" on the skyrim launch menu, the game starts i see it going full screen then closes instantly... This is the problem i was having when i first saw 1.2 was installed and using 0.4A. Backed the game to 1.1 and worked fine. Just tried with 0.7 and still same effect/issue, i hit play game seems to want to start but then crashes... i havn't changed anything besides re-update the game and inject 0.7.

any ideas?

Author:  helifax [ 02 Dec 2011, 01:42 ]
Post subject:  Kayden wrote:Map is zoomed

Map is zoomed for me, same as ver .04a & b were, but there is a twist this time around none of the map icons line up at all, so if I hover over a town I get nothing, but if I got to the spot on the Map for the Bottom Right I get the one for the Bottom Middle, very skewed. I am not having trouble with the inventory like helifax, but he is using a gamepad and I am using a KB & M, that could be gamepad specific.

As far as I can tell that's the only issue, every thing else is selectable and the other menus line up.

Hmm. you know what?? I think...this is another BUG implemented with 1.2...NO playable GAMEPAD Support...ROFL:)) ..............................

Edit: Oh wait.. I still have some of the original SWF files that override the new ones....:D

Author:  RAGE_Saint [ 02 Dec 2011, 01:53 ]
Post subject:  a couple things

hello all,

I realize the "topic of the hour" is the update and Hayden's new fix (which I have yet to try, because I held onto my old BACKUP SKYRIM FOLDERS and am still using those along with helifax's fix, because for a reason unbeknownst to me and plenty of help from this forum (thank you BTW!), Hayden's 3, 4a, and 4b fixes crashed to desktop immediately for me. Though I am pumped about trying the new one he put together since the latest update. So, now onto a few queries i have.......

I noticed that someone mentioned that there is a new catalyst version out (11.11c) that makes xFire work with SKYRIM. Is this the case? I'm using a Radeon 6990, and I've been using Radeon Pro (third party prog.) to disable one GPU, which drives me NUTZ! I hate not being able to utilize the cards full potential.

Second,.... I occasionally (and at no specific given time in game) CRASH TO DESKTOP (I realize a lot of people have this problem). Many people have mentioned the "4gb fix" and how that helps stop/lessen the CRASH TO DESKTOP problem. How does one go about enabling/utilizing the "4gb fix" or "LAA" as I've also heard it referred to?


Author:  Danko [ 02 Dec 2011, 02:02 ]
Post subject:  1.2 patch caused Hayden's .4a

1.2 patch caused Hayden's .4a fix to CTD on start of game. reverted back to 1.1 version yesterday and game was playable except for the dragon that wouldn't attack me (I stripped naked and jumped off a tower on fire to get his attention ;) )and in increase in CTD's. Before I would get 1 CTD every 4 hours or so but yesterday I had about 30 in that time....maybe it was where I was in the game(in the heat of battle in Swindlers Cave)?
Quickly tried Hayden's .7-> game boots and runs fine however map is broken now with all of the icons on center monitor and WTF is up with gamepad now? Default config seems to be fine but now my custom config isnt reflected in-game. My only changes are jump button=A, action=B and character/map/inventory=Y

Going back to 1.1. hopefully CTD's will be manageable. Seriously Bethesda you suck...you make a strong case for piracy.

Is it worth updating to new Nvidia drivers?

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