Finally found some time last weekend to format my system and reinstall Windows XP.
When I was done updating all of my drivers, I installed CMR4 and gave it a shot at 4:3 res which worked as expected. I then editted the reg to 1280x720 and it came up with the same error. At this point, I stepped back and looked at what was happening. It appeared to me that CMR4 was trying to set the video resolution, but was not finding a supported resolution.
At this point, I installed PowerStrip and setup my computer monitor for a 1280x720 resolution. The screen was small, being on my monitor and not my projector, but good enough for my testing. I then tried CMR4 and it worked at the widescreen resolution.
In summary, in order for this game to work at the widescreen resolutions, you need to be sure that resolution is selectable via the display options. In my first attempts, the resolutions I wanted were avaliable, but not working properly due to my previous crashes of my system. The reinstall of the OS, PowerStrip and CMR4 worked to get it going.
Glad to hear that!....I think the first thing I wrote was to make sure that the resolution was working and if not use Powerstrip or Rage3D.;) You would have figured it out, if you tried another game! :D So now that you got everything working, please visit my thread for other games or to inform me of other games that work. My list is slightly different, in that I am looking for games AND menus that can be set since some people have a problems with menus being stuck to a specific resolution.