Widescreen Gaming Forum

Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 09 Jun 2005, 12:03 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

Some widescreen comparison screenshots here ...


Author:  Antario [ 09 Jun 2005, 21:32 ]
Post subject:  No probs here!

I compared the widescreen pc version with widescreen from the PS2 and they look identical, save the pc's increased resolution and textures.

I was able to select 1680x1050 right from the in-game menu as well. Though I did install the 2005 monitor drivers before I installed that game if that helps anyone.

Thank God, I'm having a bit of luck with all this, but I wish developers were actually supporting these monitors. I guess that's the price we pay for being pioneers.

No problems with any games, though I've only had it a few days. But 10 or so games and if I couldn't select my rez from the in-game menu, the excellent widescreen switcher I downloaded here works perfectly.

Author:  Jupix [ 10 Jun 2005, 11:17 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

No one else here uses a two-display system for San Andreas? :|

Author:  obstler [ 10 Jun 2005, 15:33 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

No one else here uses a two-display system for San Andreas? :|

I use dual displays, but GTA (like any other game actually) just displays on the primary screen, and works well there in 1920x1200 (except for the incorrect AR). the 2nd monitor just keeps displaying whatever windows are there.

do you want to play the game stretched over both monitors? are there actually any games that support that, or gfx cards that allow 3d acceleration for both displays at the same time?

Author:  Jupix [ 10 Jun 2005, 21:53 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

do you want to play the game stretched over both monitors? are there actually any games that support that, or gfx cards that allow 3d acceleration for both displays at the same time?
Yeah, I do. It's a basic function and so it shouldn't be a problem, but with San Andreas it just seems to be. Every game I've played so far has had absolutely no problems at all with it including GTA: Vice City. I have no idea why it doesn't work in San Andreas. AFAIK having a 3D program run on two monitors is no different from running it on one.

Author:  ermac [ 14 Jun 2005, 23:44 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

Anyone figure out a way to define custom resolutions in the game? I figured that if there was a way to change the resolution to 1680x875 (16:9 like the game was made for) you could at least get rid of skinny CJ. You'd get black bars on the top and bottom but it might be worth it.

Author:  Jupix [ 14 Jun 2005, 23:55 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

Anyone figure out a way to define custom resolutions in the game?
No I guess not, that's what I've been ranting about heh.. Really frustrating. I already completed the game on 1024x768 :(

Author:  Cmarr [ 19 Jun 2005, 04:59 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

I experimented with adding custom resolutions through nvidia forceware. The conclusion I came to is the game does support custom resolutions, but only 4:3 or close to it. I tried tons. You will never get something less than a 16:10 ratio. I ended up just going with 1600x1000. Although I have a little underscan on the sides, It's great on my tv.

Author:  Lefteous [ 22 Aug 2006, 14:07 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC


I normally play San Andreas in 1920x1200 which is the native resolution of my display. From time to time I would like to play this game on my projector. Unfortunately I cannot setup 1280x720 in the options menu of San Andreas. 1280x720 is listed alright in my display properties. I'm using a GeForce 6800.

Author:  Abram [ 22 Aug 2006, 14:57 ]
Post subject:  Need solution for GTA San Andreas PC

as per usual, the Master Games List has teh solution.


get that progam, and read the info on it...

it works like a charm - it does many things other than changing the Hor -/+ an FOV (and being able to save multiple settings)
has different camera settigns for all vehicle types, and otehr spiffy things.

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