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[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 30 May 2010, 20:24 

Joined: 30 May 2010, 20:20
Posts: 2
Hello i have problem.
i get an error messsage when i start the AoE2Wide:

assertion failed: Abort=Quit, Retry=Debug, Ignore=Continue

at DrsPatcher.Patch(Stream oldDrs, Stream newDrs, Int32 old Width, Int32 oldHeight, Int32 newWidth, Int32 newHeight)
at Program.PatchExecutable(Int32 new Width, Int32 newHeight, Patch patch)
at Program. Go(String[] args)
at Program.Main(String[] args)

and when i start AoC1.0e 1680x1050-file i get this messsage: the graphicsystem couldnt be initialized. assure that your graphic card and driversoftware are compatible with directdraw.
my hardware is pretty new..
the age2_x1 file still works.

can you plz help me?


PostPosted: 01 Jun 2010, 20:07 

Joined: 25 May 2010, 19:32
Posts: 2
IMHO this has something to do with your display resolution. As I tried starting the game on my netbook, without the patch and I got exactly the same msg: "the graphic system couldnt be initialized. assure that ..."
After patching the game and creating a file with the proper resolution settings (1024x576) it worked fine. Nevertheless because of the tight height, playing at this resolution is no fun!

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2010, 08:42 

Joined: 15 Jan 2010, 18:54
Posts: 94
Hello i have problem.
i get an error messsage when i start the AoE2Wide:

assertion failed: Abort=Quit, Retry=Debug, Ignore=Continue

at DrsPatcher.Patch(Stream oldDrs, Stream newDrs, Int32 old Width, Int32 oldHeight, Int32 newWidth, Int32 newHeight)
at Program.PatchExecutable(Int32 new Width, Int32 newHeight, Patch patch)
at Program. Go(String[] args)
at Program.Main(String[] args)

and when i start AoC1.0e 1680x1050-file i get this messsage: the graphicsystem couldnt be initialized. assure that your graphic card and driversoftware are compatible with directdraw.
my hardware is pretty new..
the age2_x1 file still works.

can you plz help me?

What happened is: error during patched interfac.drs creation; but the patched exe WAS created. Now the exe you start looks for the patched interfac.drs (16501080.drs) which isn't there.
WHY it happens, no idea, you're the first to mention it. Un-original interfac.drs?

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2010, 08:19 

Joined: 30 May 2010, 20:20
Posts: 2

What happened is: error during patched interfac.drs creation; but the patched exe WAS created. Now the exe you start looks for the patched interfac.drs (16501080.drs) which isn't there.
WHY it happens, no idea, you're the first to mention it. Un-original interfac.drs?

I have aox from http://aoe.cz/ostatni/aox-exe--age-of-empires-2--the-conquerors--all-in-one/
But i am sorry i forgot mean that i have 1200 800 resolution.

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2010, 12:04 

Joined: 15 Jan 2010, 18:54
Posts: 94
What happened is: error during patched interfac.drs creation; but the patched exe WAS created. Now the exe you start looks for the patched interfac.drs (16501080.drs) which isn't there.
WHY it happens, no idea, you're the first to mention it. Un-original interfac.drs?

I have aox from http://aoe.cz/ostatni/aox-exe--age-of-empires-2--the-conquerors--all-in-one/
But i am sorry i forgot mean that i have 1200 800 resolution.
Well to me it seems you must have a non-original interfac.drs, because when I try 1200x800, it patches fine.
Try to get a more original game.

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010, 14:26 

Joined: 08 Jun 2010, 14:18
Posts: 1
Hi guys

I've solved the resolution problem, colour ecc...but...when i play online match, in the lobby it show me that i've the 1.0 patch (the conquerors) while i've the 1.0c installed O.o the difference is not only displayed at lobby but when i am in the game, for example the farm queque is limited to about 10 but i remember that when i played without the patch, that was limited do 30 or 40 in queque...how can i get out?


PostPosted: 09 Jun 2010, 15:37 

Joined: 09 Jun 2010, 15:34
Posts: 1

This patch works like a charm! Thank you very much sir!

I'm on a Dell Inspiron 1595 with the infamous Intel GMA chips. My native resolution is 1366x768 (16:10) and I'm on windows 7 home premium.
First time running it after the patch, I had to go in the game menu and select a resolution (the highest available was 1024x768, so i clicked that)

Set compatibility mode for XP sp3, and disable visual themes.

wow. AoE 2 in widescreen. How cool is that?

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2010, 02:58 

Joined: 16 Jun 2010, 00:30
Posts: 3
Hey, Boekabart. I was on your site, and I noticed you had a directory called swgb. Is the patch for Galactic Battlegrounds working? if it is, how do i install it? I cant find any information about it anywhere. Thanks

PostPosted: 04 Jul 2010, 02:50 

Joined: 17 Aug 2009, 16:00
Posts: 1
Before I continue, I just want to say how much I appreciate the work you've put into this. It really is incredible, and you've breathed new life into an older but still great game.

Now, my problem...

I'm running Windows 7 x64, I've got two 1920x1080 monitors, and my video card is a Radeon HD 5770. With the monitors set up separately (2x1920x1080), AoE2 runs just fine in 1920x1080. However, if I create an Eyefinity display group so my screen resolution is effectively 3840x1080, AoE2 crashes and spits out the below dump. If I run AoE2 directly (not suspending Explorer), the game starts, but with the colour issues, at a smaller resolution (I didn't think to screenshot it; it looked like 1024x768) with the excess space filled with purple, and each screen mirrored.

It's no biggie – I've played in 3840x1080 under XP and I don't find it that much more useful than 1920x1080 – but I thought you might like to know. Also, if you decide you care to make it work (I'm guessing Eyefinity groups don't work quite the same as desktop spanning under XP, so they'd be a bit of work), I'm ready and willing to help test (and donate what little I can, if it's going to take a lot of work).

The “signature” of the error in question (for what little it's worth):
Problem signature:
     Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
     Application Name:   age2_x1_1.0c_3840x1080.exe
     Application Version:
     Application Timestamp:   3b7433ec
     Fault Module Name:   age2_x1_1.0c_3840x1080.exe
     Fault Module Version:
     Fault Module Timestamp:   3b7433ec
     Exception Code:   c0000005
     Exception Offset:   00229017
     OS Version:   6.1.7600.
     Locale ID:   4105
     Additional Information 1:   3929
     Additional Information 2:   3929af20db287716574a4cb9ebbba4b1
     Additional Information 3:   557c
     Additional Information 4:   557c299b25497340503c45d9479009e6

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2010, 10:54 

Joined: 06 Jul 2010, 10:00
Posts: 1

Thank you very much for your hard work. I discovered it thanks to the french blogger Korben, and made it work on Windows XP 1680x1050. I had a lot of problems making it work probably due to the fact that my version of the game is in french, but your explanation with de bill helped me a lot. I am now going to give french explanations for non english users.

J'ai créé un patch qui vous permet de lancer AoE2-TC dans pratiquement n'importe quelle résolution!

Comment ça marche: Cela change la résolution effective du choix 1280x1024 (ou 1024x768, 800x600) pour celle de votre écran (mais d'autres options sont possibles), en changeant certaines occurences de 1280, 1024 et les nombres qui leurs sont relatifs dans le fichier binaire.

Ca change aussi toutes les interfaces graphiques à la bonne résolution en dupliquant certaines lignes et en répétant les pixels les plus à droite.

Ca écrit un nouvel éxécutable et une nouvelle version de interfac.drs, avec chaque fois un nom différent. L'exécutable patché se réfère au nouvel interfac.drs et non à l'original. Vous ne pouvez donc perdre aucune donnée.

Après avoir lancé AoE2Wide, vous obtiendrez un raccourci (fichier batch) sur votre bureau qui relie au nouvel AoE2 de grande résolution !

Ca ne marche que sur les versions ne nécessitant pas de CD, car les exécutables originaux sont chiffrés, et donc impatchables. Les versions 1.0, 1.0c et 1.0e sont supportées.

.Net 3.5 SP1 est requis, mais le MSI fourni l'installera pour vous si nécessaire.

Liens Sources:
http://www.boekabart.net/aoe2wide/latestpatcher/AoE2WideSetup.msi Pour le dernier installateur! [edit: lien réparé]
http://www.boekabart.net/aoe2wide Pour tous les les téléchargements, les sources, les captures d'écran et les binaires

Faites un don ICI: http://www.boekabart.net/aoe2wide/donate.html Si vous avez envie de soutenir les développements passés et futurs de ce patch!

Si vous installez (mis) ou dowloadez le patcher, faites attention de bien mettre les fichiers dans un sous dossier du répertoire d'installation de votre jeu AoE2, ou il ne sera pas capable de trouver les bons fichiers.

Voir plus loin dans ce topic pour plus de détails et d'instructions.

Here are now some additionnal steps I had to perform :

IMPORTANT: tout au long du processus, surveillez le dossier d'installation d'Age2. Du moment qu'un nouvel exécutable avec un nom du style "age2_x1_1.0_1680x1050.exe" apparait, inutile d'aller plus loin.

Après avoir téléchargé et installé puis exécuté le patch, rien ne se passe. La console renvoie des erreurs de type : Warning: No original exe found for patch file 'D:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesAge of Empires IIAoE2WideAoE2Wide_1.0c.patch', skipping.

La réponse à ce problème se situe en page 12 de ce topic du forum (boekabart est un peu sarcastique, il faut avoir tout lu pour comprendre pourquoi):
[quote]Vous avez de la chance je connais le problème. Vous avez besoin de la version 1.0 de l'exécutable que j'ai utilisée pour créer le RootPatch. Autre coup de pot, il est disponible en téléchargement sur mon site: http://www.boekabart.net/aoe2wide/age2_x1.zip. Bonne chance et tenez nous au courant.

Téléchargez donc le fichier, dézippez le et placez le dans le même dossier que le patch (attention pas dans le dossier age2_x1, donc). Puis ouvrez une invite de commande, naviguez jusqu'au dossier d'installation du patch (probablement qqch dans le style D:Program FilesMicrosoft GamesAge of Empires IIAoE2Wide>), et exéutez AoE2Wide.exe createpatches. Des tonnes d'erreurs du style Warning: Found no matches for block 0001CC2D 8 apparaissent. On s'en fout

On est presque au bout. Vérifiez à tout hasard que le fichier n'est pas déjà là. Sinon exécutez encore AoE2Wide.exe tout seul. Il se déroule un certain nombre de choses dans la console, et ça se termine par une impresionnante erreur en rouge du style An error occurred: Input string was not in a correct format. => Ignorez là totalement, considérez la comme un insignifiant détritus qui ne mérite même pas d'avoir l'honneur que vous lui prètiez attention, et allez plutôt voir si comme pour moi, la manip a suffit à vous créer l'exécutable dont vous aviez besoin. Lancez le jeu, et n'oubliez pas d'aller dans votre profil sélectionner le 1280x1024 dans vos options.

Bon jeu, et n'oubliez pas de poster un petit message contenant le texte suivant:
Thank you very much, boekabart!

PS : Batch Ouput : http://widescreengamingforum.pastebin.com/mABg4gF2

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