jackfuste wrote:
Darktalon wrote:
Is there a way to disable head bob while sprinting? I've been having to scroll through my weapons to prevent it when I sprint, otherwise I want to barf.
BorderlandsGOTY.exe in the game folder -
BorderlandsGOTY_no_shake.7z- Camera shake is disabled at sprinting
Wyrdmacht wrote:
Love the effort this community puts into eyefinity support! The .exe patch looks great, for some reason though my left screen is mirroring the wire frame image of the right screen; all ghostly like...strange I know. Anyone having similar issues?
Disable in-game FXAA, use FXAA in the driver or ReShade.
I don' t know if you are the person that fixed this or not, but either way, I took the time to register an account just so that I can thank you for Fixing the Camera Shake/ Head Bob while sprinting. I've been searching everywhere for a way to fix it. I've requested help on the steam forums, the official gearbox forums, countless of cheat engine forums, then someone linked this to me. I've never been able to play any of the borderlands games because of this problem that the devs have ignored all these years. Idk if this fix exists for borderlands 2 but now I can at least enjoy borderlands 1. Thank you so much. I'm really grateful. You have no idea how many people you will actually help play this game. Thank you thank you thank you. If you haven't can you make the same fix for borderlands 2?