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 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 26 Dec 2015, 00:31 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
dark3zz, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell series is not supported by FWS.
Also from a MM manual-spreading perspective, a number from that game-series is problematic (including Blacklist itself).
Strong chance you won't get Blacklist to work 21:9 without a FWS plugin (which doesn't exist). But I could be wrong, I have not tested series on 21:9.

Your best chance is likely In-game windowed, quit. Resolution-file-edit (these *) & read-only. In-game ShiftWindow (+ border = borderless). Try this in both DX11 & DX9 (In-game Advanced Settings DirectX DX9 & DX11).
* WindowedViewportX=####
* WindowedViewportY=1080

- - -
other interesting values:
- IsLetterBoxUsageEnabled=1
- EyefinityMode=2
- IsMultiMonitorEmulationEnabled=0
- MinTripleDisplayAspectRatio=3.7000
- AdapterIndex=-1
- MonitorAspect=-1.0000
- validationRequired=0

No Hope Here:
registry (no hope here, skip it)
other files (no hope here, skip it)
SoftTH, made no diff (& In-game fullscreen, DX9, file edit)

FYI. Small chance this type of thing would work. An Aspect entry would be ideal, but hard to find:
FOV: Edit exe with hex editor
- Open Blacklist_game.exe with a hex editor like HxD.
- Search for DesiredFOV=75 and change its value to whatever you choose, then save your changes.


 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 28 Dec 2015, 15:46 

Joined: 23 Feb 2012, 18:14
Posts: 11
Greetings, i 'll try to describe my issue, with my poor english: i'm playing the game , weel trying to play it in my native resolution, 1680 x 1050, using Flawless for FOV fix..all is working except meny, diary and all non ingame text (in game inventory too) is totally unreadable..it's off set to the right..i can only see the first 4 digit of menu command..same for diary,etc..can someone pls help me to get rid of this issue? if i set windowed mode, menu become normal..but i dont likme playing windowed mode. Thansk for the help and sry my bad eng.

p.s. i'm playing on a AMD HD 7950 3 Gb with latest dirvers installed

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 28 Dec 2015, 22:20 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
1. If windowed works right, easiest to just make the window borderless. This looks as good as fullscreen.
You do this by forcing the game's borders to the outside of your screen. Use ShiftWindow for this (+ border = borderless, & to position).
Are you using Windows 10? If so, there may be a complication.

2. But if you want fullscreen to work, it is likely you need to adjust FWS (in FWS menu Settings, Configuration, Display Detection. Use the Detection Override).
Have you tried this? I don't know what override values you should try (use trial & error).

Recommend also in-game Letterbox Disabled. And in FWS plugin, checkmark all except Letterbox Fix & leave FOV sliders zero (because FWS fixes the FOV to proper, no extra FOV is needed).

It should be noted that The Evil Within's FWS plugin has a disclaimer about 16:10:
"...unknown if this will resolve issues entirely for 21:9 and 16:10 - milage may vary"
But I know 21:9 will work fine with FWS's detection override (using "fake PLP" values). So 16:10 single-screen has hope, using same or similar method. Although 16:10 aspect is obviously completely different than 21:9. 16:10 is much taller so may not work out. No idea, but worth attempting.

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 28 Dec 2015, 23:37 

Joined: 23 Feb 2012, 18:14
Posts: 11
thanks for replay me...yes i tried detection override but putting my res 1680 x 1050 for with\height, hud and hud x hud y..does'nt worked..and yes i'm using win10...what is this PlP fakes?? no idea on what value i must put inthere..any tips? thanks again.

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2015, 04:35 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
It may be that you are using incorrect FWS override settings. Did you enter this? If not, adjust & try it.
Width: 1680
Height: 1050
Hud Width: 1680
Hud Height: 1050
Horizontal Display Count: 1
Vertical Display Count: 1
Hud X: 0 (you use zero? if not fix it)
Hud Y: 0 (you use zero? if not fix it)

As for borderless game (suggestion #1), it would work great in previous operating system. But in Windows 10 a slight window-border may still be present (not sure, have not tested game on Windows 10). There is potential workarounds for this too (e.g. WinShift). So if FWS override-numbers don't work for you, the borderless suggestion is your likeliest & best fix.

Failing all above, try this:
"Fake PLP" is a way to make 21:9 work, by altering FWS override-numbers.
It is telling FWS you have multiple fake monitors of small size, so your HUD lines up right, & elsewhere fills proper with game-world.
But I am very uncertain this type of fudging will help in 16:10 case. You would have to test out some values. Something like this (adding fake screens on top & bottom in 16:10's case):
Width: 1680
Height: 1050
Hud Width: 1680
Hud Height: 945 (which is 1680 / 16 x 9)
Horizontal Display Count: 1
Vertical Display Count: 3 (impersonating very slim fake screens on top & bottom of your main game area.)
Hud X: 0
Hud Y: 52 (which is 1050 - 945, / 2)

These fake numbers will not produce the "proper 16:10 game view" but may well improve your text problem etc.

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2015, 17:38 

Joined: 23 Feb 2012, 18:14
Posts: 11
many many thanksimusrt...i'll give it a try...i want use my 1680 x 1050 to have best graphic..in my native resolution..i'll let you know if your values 'r working. thanks again.

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2015, 18:19 

Joined: 23 Feb 2012, 18:14
Posts: 11
damn!! no way..even with the value u write above, nothing worked..menu text is offset to the right and a little cut in the lover (and i think )and upper ..i can see only half of the word Downloadable content and cant see the description of the menu command in the bottom of the screen when u hoover mouse on the voice of menu..uff this thing made me mad! i cant belive i can't see proper menu.what value make text going to left and up?thanks

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2015, 22:19 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
Your game is screaming for a 16:9 monitor.
HUD X is the left-edge of "text layer etc" (zero being your bezel).
HUD Y is the top-edge.

Other than you testing other fudged FWS override numbers, I am out of ideas.

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 29 Dec 2015, 22:41 

Joined: 23 Feb 2012, 18:14
Posts: 11
so i need to play with those 2 v alue only, for trying fixing this damn HUD?? playing a BIT IN WINDOWED..AND ..OH MAN..I THINK I LOST AT LEAST 40% OF THE hud till now.-..seems like FOV fix zoom in my hud too..in windowed letters are smaller and all centered..i didnt seee so many options and tipsin full screen
..but having the border so big is not thaT GOOD IN WINDOWED..i'll try to play with those value than..thanks for your effort!

 Post subject: Re: The Evil Within
PostPosted: 30 Dec 2015, 19:25 

Joined: 21 Oct 2014, 23:33
Posts: 291
Remember, you can force windowed into borderless. Just add your border thickness to ShiftWindow's values. This will push your window's borders beyond your viewable screen, so you do not see them.
(assuming you are not using Windows 10. If you are, full borderless may not work out. Not yet tested).

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