Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 31 May 2006, 23:15 

Joined: 28 May 2006, 23:58
Posts: 8
Horrah, I have managed to get this excellent game running at 1680x1050 although it is a little stretched,

Tested on patched UK version 1004

The solution is basically the same as that for NOLF2 and AVP2

find autoexec.cfg in the game directory,

find "screenwidth" "1680" replace 1680 with your prefered horizontal resolution.

find "screenheight" "1050" replace 1050 with your prefered verticle resolution.

save and you are done.

NOTE: do not go into the resolution section of the display menu inside the game or in the menu in the launcher as this will reset your lovely new resolution.

You can also try setting
"pvmodelaspect" "1.6"
"pvmodelfov" "78"
as suggested for NOLF 2, although I did not notice any visual improvements.

unfortunately the MPFOV cheat from AVP does nothing more than make a nice beep noise in this game so you have to put up with it remaining slightly stertched.

A strange side effect of upping to a widescreen resolution is that soem of the menu buttons in the game stop being alligned correctly, see the shot bellow, though this only happens on non 4:3 ratios

1400x1050 50% size

1680x1050 50% size without "pvmodelfov" "78" or "pvmodelaspect" "1.6"

notice the HUD scales nicely and is not stretched.

1680x1050 50% size with "pvmodelfov" "78" and "pvmodelaspect" "1.6"

1680x1050 menu cropped and 50% size shows the back button very out of line and the "Return to the previous screen" message below its box also

any suggestions for getting the FOV corrected? is there some secret lithtech command out there?

The Disreputed


PostPosted: 06 Jun 2006, 09:55 

Joined: 16 May 2006, 02:25
Posts: 3
sweetness.. think i played this on a gf2 back in 2000? damn it doesnt seem that long ago :D

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