Widescreen Gaming Forum

NVIDIA Configuration Changing Tool?
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Author:  Litego [ 17 Feb 2012, 00:59 ]
Post subject:  NVIDIA Configuration Changing Tool?

Is there a tool out there which will switch between predefined configurations? Many of my games don't support Surround gaming, and in those cases I would like to use "Maximum 3d performance" instead of "Span Displays with Surround". And when I am working I like to use "Activate all displays". But changing between these takes a lot of time and is very tedious. It doesn't help that I have to rearrange the screens and set bezel correction every time, as well as restart several programs. So if a program could do all this for me that would be great!

Author:  Gishan [ 30 Aug 2012, 21:21 ]
Post subject:  Any updates on that topic?

Any updates on that topic?

Author:  Delphium [ 31 Aug 2012, 08:16 ]
Post subject:  I dont own any Nvidia

I dont own any Nvidia surround hardware so I could be wrong on this, however I would be sure to find the configuration settings to be in the nvidia display control panel, a known working shortcut is to use the windows key + p combination to switch between them.

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