PunkNugget wrote:
It would have been great to get all the details on how this person got there (you know, direct links within where you found these files or how and where you changed them, etc.).
That's why there's guys like Hayden, they just make it happen, we contribute some funds and we move on. Looking forward to seeing what you do soon Hayden with your soon to be fixed patch…
1. Download & Install CheatEngine 6.4
2. Start a MP game.
2. In CheatEngine, open the s1_mp64_ship.exe process.
3. In CheatEngine, add memory address manually. All three of them Ex. add "s1_mp64_ship.exe+CA6ED98" change type to "float" press OK. Do rhat for the other two as well.
4. Change the value for s1_mp64_ship.exe+18000A8 to something that fits your aspect ratio, use the FOV calc for the math part.
http://www.wsgf.org/fovcalc.php. 5760*1080 was 5.333333 so i changed it to 5.333333333.
5. tick all 3 lines in the list of changes in the CheatEngine so its "Active".
6. Switch back to game and play.
But yes, thank god theres guys like Hayden, Dopefish etc.