MaxSharp wrote:
helifax wrote:
Still looking for a solution to my Skyrim's 'Large Inventory Pics' when I run Flawless Widescreen, SKSE and SkyUI??? Is anyone else running Flawless, the SKSE plug-in and the SkyUI mod?? Just wondering if there's a known conflict....Thank you.
Last I checked the WideScreen Fixer plugin didn't have any problems with SKSE and SkyUI...but I might be lying out of miss-information...
When I run Flawless (Triple monitor 6010x1080), SkyUI and SKSE (as Admin), I get Huge items in my inventory. If I don't run Flawless, everything is fine. If I don't run SKSE, the pics for items are the correct size, yet I get that standard error that SKSE is not loaded. Is there some type of 'Value' that can be decreased for these pictures items in your inventory? I still can't get this to work...Flawless works fine, followed the SKSE instructions to a tee...installed SkyUI through Mod Manager Successfully. Just don't get it.
I've never tried it with any of the mods so cannot comment, however I'd imagine if the issue affect's WSF it will affect Flawless Widescreen as I assume Helifax is using the same values I posted in the original thread long ways back which are the one's I still use to this date, you could try editing the plugin to remove the part of the fix that rescales the 3D objects, do reply if you require assistance with this, if it turns out it's addressable I can add it to the fix and push it - probably just be adding a checkbox to turn that particular fix on and off.
Use something like Notepad++ to edit the file as it uses Linux line endings, eg. it will look all on one line in regular notepad.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flawless Widescreen\PluginCache\FWS_Plugins\Modules\TESVSkyrim\Dependencies\Scripts\TESVSkyrim_UI.lua
Line 1427:
local NewScale = (DisplayGridDetails.GridXCoord) + fAdditionalItemScale
local AddrInventoryItems = HackTool:GetAddress("InventoryItems")
local AddrMagicItems = HackTool:GetAddress("MagicItems")
If you remove that entire codeblock, the item 3D scales will not be changed, failing that you could try adjusting the NewScale value, eg on 3 displays it would be NewScale = 3 + 0 (assuming additionalitemscale slider = 0)
To make it have no affect, NewScale = 1.
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