Widescreen Gaming Forum

Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... v2 Now Live!
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Author:  Delphium [ 01 Mar 2010, 20:36 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

Have taken onboard what you said MobsterOO7 and added a little more detail. ;)
I have visually tweaked the site to provide more, yet clearer information.

I have now added L4d2 scoreboard and chat box to the tabs and are now auto-updating correctly highlighted in red as you scroll down. :D
I am in the process of verifying the hudlayout to ensure it is as correct as I understand it to be, just in case I missed a value by mistake, as such the L4D2 hudlayout is currently classed as beta.

Next up will be to start adding TF2 hud files.

After this I will be needing the assistence of this forum to provide me with details for other games so that they may also be added :)

More updates coming soon, so watch this space. :)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 01 Mar 2010, 21:00 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... in progress.

Delphium, Are you going to support double Layer Monitor Setups (I.E.3x2) or even number Setups (I.E. 2x1)?

I know L4D2 will be fine in a 3x2 as there isn't anything at the top of the screen. But you will Have to act as if you only have 3 Rather Tall Screens. Because if you put in 6 screens then you get tall little skinny Screens (as if you were playing in portrait). How would you go about the placement of the HUD? I'm not sure how I would do it.

Another thing is that in even numbered setups there is a bezel in the middle of the screen. I'm not too sure about the annoyance of the hud being split but i guess that comes with having a bezel in the middle of the screen. So I guess you can ignore that.

Author:  Delphium [ 01 Mar 2010, 21:17 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

- @suiken_2mieu

1 step at a time :D
Supporting double layer setups such as 3x2 should in theory be easy enough to impliment, I would just need to experiment with the Hud's to see how they react when adjusting the "ypos" values. Unless anyone has done some expreimenting already? :)

It will be possible to add input boxes for number of monitors along and number high for a 3 x 2 situation.
This I would likely impliment once I have information regarding the "ypos" values reactions.

As for even number of screens, right now, the tool will shift the items by a full screen's worth, so essenitally for a 4 screen display instead of the bots/other players health bars being stuck on the far left monitor, it would be placed to the far left of the inner left monitor, with own player health and ammo etc would be positioned on the right edge of the right inner monitor
this scales should you have 6 or 8 or 10 monitors that the HUD will be placed to the far left and right of the inner left and right monitors, thus the hud is not smack in the middle of your view, but not far out to the sides like normal.

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 01 Mar 2010, 21:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

- @suiken_2mieu

1 step at a time :D
Supporting double layer setups such as 3x2 should in theory be easy enough to impliment, I would just need to experiment with the Hud's to see how they react when adjusting the "ypos" values. Unless anyone has done some expreimenting already? :)

It will be possible to add input boxes for number of monitors along and number high for a 3 x 2 situation.
This I would likely impliment once I have information regarding the "ypos" values reactions.

As for even number of screens, right now, the tool will shift the items by a full screen's worth, so essenitally for a 4 screen display instead of the bots/other players health bars being stuck on the far left monitor, it would be placed to the far left of the inner left monitor, with own player health and ammo etc would be positioned on the right edge of the right inner monitor
this scales should you have 6 or 8 or 10 monitors that the HUD will be placed to the far left and right of the inner left and right monitors, thus the hud is not smack in the middle of your view, but not far out to the sides like normal.

Yeah i noticed that after i posted, but I do like your work, continue on and thanks.

Author:  Lebedev [ 01 Mar 2010, 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

Width: 5760 Height: 1200

Your surround aspect ratio is: 24 : 5

Number Of Monitors: 3

Your individual monitor aspect ratio is: 8 : 5

should that not be 16:10?

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 01 Mar 2010, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

Width: 5760 Height: 1200

Your surround aspect ratio is: 24 : 5

Number Of Monitors: 3

Your individual monitor aspect ratio is: 8 : 5

should that not be 16:10?

16/2 = 8
10/2 = 5

Author:  P-Storm [ 01 Mar 2010, 22:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

The thing about that, is that there is both a factor out of them.

But why still use 16:10 then? Dunno, maybe some marketing bullshit.

Author:  Delphium [ 01 Mar 2010, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

should that not be 16:10?

8 : 5 is the same as 16:10 :onethumb

EDIT: beaten to it.

Author:  Lebedev [ 01 Mar 2010, 23:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

8 : 5 is the same as 16:10

of course, i am so stupid -.-

Author:  james.wired [ 02 Mar 2010, 00:46 ]
Post subject:  Re: Centered HUD Tool For Source Engine Games... Live Beta.

Awesome tool! Couldn't figure out the other HUD fixes, glad to see someone working something like this!! Many thanks :bowdown

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