[quote]i wasn't sure what to do about setting the FOV Calculator? I selected Source and Destination both as 3 x 16:9.(?)
The FOV calculator is just a calculator. It does not interact with the game at all.
And I changed the Hotkey to Alt. +left existing two default boxes checked as is.
You can't set it to
just Alt. It has to be Alt, Shift, or Control, plus any other key on the keyboard. The default is * (asterisk). If you left it *, and checked the box next to Alt, then to enable the fix, you would press Alt + *.
Let me know if this works for you. :)
Thanks for your response Dopefish. I understand about the FOV calculator-i thought it was maybe a function of operation in some way and I wasn't selecting properly or? and that's why it wouldn't start etc. Anyway the start buttons Shift + Asterik is what I started with, and like i said nothing is happening. I just switched to the Alt + Asterik because i thought it might need to be changed etc. I was just trying to get it to respond etc. What should happen? I'm selecting the specific game from the drop down box selection in your Fixer's Main screen etc and then pressing Shift + Asterik Should your Widescreen Fixer at that time respond and indicate Game Running and Fix Enabled and Aspect Ratio? Because nothing is happening then or after I open the game and again press the Shift + Asterik etc. I understand that this command both turns on and off the WSGfixer, but I don't see anything happening. Either before i open the game and select the 5760 x 1080 on the games's menu or after. Or am I wrong and I need to leave the Game Options set to 1920 x 1080 or etc? I've been going into the Game Options after attempting to start the fixer and then changing the Graphic Options to 5760x1080 but it still looks the same when I play as it did before the fixer. And I see examples of your Fixer control panel indicating Gamer Running etc ans I've mentioned before I've yet to get such a response.
Got in other ideas about what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks Tom
No! forget what I said. Because I've just kept trying different games--and now I've got the 5760 x 1080 working good when I play multi COD2? So that's new. Never had that before. And I saw in some other action from your Fixer Main screen in that on some other game it said game running but not supported etc? or ? Anyway its working, and I wasn't getting anything before. So I'll just keep experimenting. Thanks
Congrats on getting CODBlackOPs fix up and running so quickly/awesome.
EDIT 2 : Sorry!! Its late! I shoulda trimmed that last post for sure. Gota go to bed.
MOD EDIT : Try the edit button in future - I've done it for you this time.