Widescreen Gaming Forum

Star Wars Battle Front Closed Alpha
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Author:  ThirdEyientist [ 02 Jul 2015, 14:00 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Battle Front Closed Alpha

I'm trying to play 5760X1080 Nvidia Surround and when I try to zoom in with my weapon the scope switch's to to the left monitor. If anyone has any ideas for a fix, let me know :-)

Author:  suiken_2mieu [ 03 Jul 2015, 17:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battle Front Closed Alpha

I wonder if the same thing happens on AMD cards, after all it's an engine that favors AMD cards and maybe they don't have the nVidia surround APIs.

Author:  ThirdEyientist [ 04 Jul 2015, 02:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Battle Front Closed Alpha

I hope they fix it for the final release. It's strange because I was in the Hardline beta and it worked perfect. It was really weird.... The scope would show up on the left monitor, but the bullets would still show on the center monitor..... I just hooked it up to my big screen for now.

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