Widescreen Gaming Forum

Gothic 3 - dig it up?
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Author:  Gecko [ 16 Feb 2011, 15:57 ]
Post subject:  Gothic 3 - dig it up?

I'm in between games right now, just finished a few, waiting for some new releases...and I dug up a copy of Gothic 3, which I had purchased but never really played. I installed it and tried it out briefly but it had some bugs. I ended up playing Risen instead.

So the question is...there's a huge patch out there (v1.74) from the community that addresses a ton of issues and improves the game in myriad ways. Performance shouldn't be an issue anymore since my new PC should far exceed what the game needs. In other words it should be playable technically.

So...worth a go, or back in the loch with you Nessie?


Author:  yogibbear [ 16 Feb 2011, 16:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

Game is EXCELLENT and i highly recommend it. Just don't side with ANYONE until much much later into the game and you will get the most enjoyment from it. (i.e. only clear the first two camps if you feel like it then STOP!)

I played it after Oblivion almost straight away and even despite the 1 or 2 bugs on release (melee loop bug with pigs) it was THE BETTER GAME BY A LONG WAY!

I loved it. Lots of memories. But you have to like proper RPGs. And if you say you can play Risen then you will like Gothic 3 a lot. I think i spent about 100 hrs on my first playthrough.

Author:  Gecko [ 16 Feb 2011, 16:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

Thanks, that's a pretty glowing recommendation. I'm downloading the patch right now, I think I may at least install and give it another run with the patch.

I hated Oblivion, never finished it, never will. Quite enjoyed Risen, and yes I love traditional RPGs.

Author:  Tanuki [ 16 Feb 2011, 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

Be aware G3 does not use multiple processor cores.

The game's environment looks great. The story is about par with Risen but it is spread out with the large game world. If you like exploring you will love G3.

Author:  Davros [ 16 Feb 2011, 22:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

I started playing it got about halfway through then took a break/got distracted for a few months (do not do this)
now I am totally lost i cant remember who anyone is, where ive already searched, what the story is ect. So now im going to have to start again from the beginning

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 17 Feb 2011, 23:07 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

I had tons of graphical artefacts with Gothic 3 when I tried to play it originally. I picked it up on Steam so not sure a patch would work on that, but I really should try it again.

Thanks for reminding me. :)

Author:  yogibbear [ 18 Feb 2011, 07:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Gothic 3 - dig it up?

I had tons of graphical artefacts with Gothic 3 when I tried to play it originally. I picked it up on Steam so not sure a patch would work on that, but I really should try it again.

Thanks for reminding me. :)

With third party apps pretty sure you can generally install most community patches by setting the update protocols for that particular game to "DO NOT UPDATE" and then just follow the instructions on the community patch to install. Usually something like finding the game's install directory or sticking the patch in the game's directory before running it.

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