Widescreen Gaming Forum

MMO Sued for being Addicting
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Author:  Tanuki [ 21 Aug 2010, 00:03 ]
Post subject:  MMO Sued for being Addicting


Smallwood, who claims to have logged 20,000 hours of Lineage II gameplay between 2004 and 2009, claims that developer NCSoft "acted negligently in failing to warn or instruct or adequately warn or instruct [the] plaintiff and other players of Lineage II of its dangerous and defective characteristics, and of the safe and proper method of using the game."

5 years = 1826 days

20,000 / 1826 = 10.95 hours per day

Imagine if he played something good.

Author:  packerfan [ 21 Aug 2010, 04:28 ]
Post subject:  Re: MMO Sued for being Addicting

Alcohol and Cigarettes don't need these labels so I fail to see why a game should need a warning about it or why he should be able to sue them for his addiction.. It also takes the right person to become addicted, certain people's genetics are predisposed to addiction.

Author:  Anprionsa [ 24 Aug 2010, 07:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: MMO Sued for being Addicting

Another example of forking the blame onto someone else because said person can't control himself. It's issues like these that make people who want to do nothing but collect unemployment even more disgusting to me... just sit there and blame others (not ALL people... but those that complain after being on said unemployment for a long time, namely the 99ers).

So I got offtrack a little... Sue me. :P

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