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The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)
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Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 06 Nov 2009, 19:05 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

It's official, the game industry has fallen in love with regression:

That said, he realizes the affinity many PC gamers have for them – and is glad “Rage” won’t be leading the charge away from them.

“The great thing is we won’t have to be a pioneer on that,” he says. “We’ll see how it works out for everyone else.”

Author:  Soduka [ 06 Nov 2009, 19:43 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

Author:  MobsterOO7 [ 06 Nov 2009, 19:54 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

My favorite excerpt from the Carmack interview is
...but Carmack indicated he believed the servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming.

It's really only a "remnant" if you don't have a better solution yet. And there isn't one.

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 06 Nov 2009, 20:52 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

Not quite as bad as the Modern Warfare 2 fiasco - the MP part is not exactly Rage's most anticipated feature, right ? Still, to read what the big guys in the industry think about PC gaming is often scary and/or depressing. And they've been sharing their thoughts a lot lately.

Author:  Tanuki [ 06 Nov 2009, 21:06 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

The move away from dedicated servers for non-MMOs should not suprise anyone.

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 06 Nov 2009, 21:23 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

The move away from dedicated servers for non-MMOs should not suprise anyone.

Can you elaborate?

Author:  Tanuki [ 06 Nov 2009, 21:33 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

Control, $$$, efficiency, etc.

Think of it from a business standpoint.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 06 Nov 2009, 22:36 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

My favorite excerpt from the Carmack interview is
...but Carmack indicated he believed the servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming.

It's really only a "remnant" if you don't have a better solution yet. And there isn't one.

That's sort of subjective though... the vast majority of the market supports p2p matchmaking.

Author:  DaFox [ 06 Nov 2009, 23:44 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

[quote]My favorite excerpt from the Carmack interview is
...but Carmack indicated he believed the servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming.

It's really only a "remnant" if you don't have a better solution yet. And there isn't one.

That's sort of subjective though... the vast majority of the market supports p2p matchmaking.

Depends which market though, the gamers market as a whole sure. The average person that will spend atleast 10 hours playing the game online on PC? Which we could define as the Online FPS PC game market, sure as hell not. I'm sure there are plenty that don't care what so ever they just want to play their game, probably many moreso than either group that likes or dislikes p2p matchmaking. But the group that opposes p2p matchmaking would easily come second. By a landslide.

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 07 Nov 2009, 00:19 ]
Post subject:  The Good Train FAIL keeps rollin' (no dedis for RAGE)

[quote][quote]My favorite excerpt from the Carmack interview is
...but Carmack indicated he believed the servers are something of a remnant of the early days of PC gaming.

It's really only a "remnant" if you don't have a better solution yet. And there isn't one.

That's sort of subjective though... the vast majority of the market supports p2p matchmaking.

Depends which market though, the gamers market as a whole sure. The average person that will spend atleast 10 hours playing the game online on PC? Which we could define as the Online FPS PC game market, sure as hell not. I'm sure there are plenty that don't care what so ever they just want to play their game, probably many moreso than either group that likes or dislikes p2p matchmaking. But the group that opposes p2p matchmaking would easily come second. By a landslide.

The mass market, the markey they make 100 million dollar games for.

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