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EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time
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Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 14 Jul 2009, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

The trend continues:

As of right now, you need to be online all the time to play C&C 4 -APOC

No Internet = you've got a $50 coaster with pretty box art.

Previous C&C games used to be among those I always carted around on my laptop for some portable fun while on vacation or traveling. Not anymore. :(

Author:  Soduka [ 14 Jul 2009, 21:38 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time


Author:  whismerhill [ 14 Jul 2009, 23:17 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

yes that's true or else you're an evil pirate ;) :P

Author:  mengzor [ 14 Jul 2009, 23:39 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

didnt they say it was just for stats tracking and stuff though?
Surely they wouldnt be stupid enough to--- oh wait its EA.. hmm..

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 15 Jul 2009, 03:44 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

I was getting sick of Command & Conquer anyway.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 15 Jul 2009, 12:18 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

This is a serious problem in the UK, where an ISP (Pipex) has just started blocking Steam throughout most of the day. Day being all hours that could be considered 'peak' plus a few others. Certainly enough that means if you have a day job, you can't get on Steam.

What happens if they block the C&C servers?

It's no longer a case of 'you need internet, and if you don't have it, get it'... you're now completely at the whims of your ISP, too.

Bloody ridiculous.

It's not like I was gonna buy C&C4 after the complete horror that was Red Alert 3, but EA... you're doing more to kill my interest in PC gaming than any other company out there.

Hopefully this gets picked up by Kotaku or one of the other ultra-popular tech blogs, and the internet catches fire - and EA burns in the conflagration. Let's face it, Bioware backed down over the 'every 10 day check' on Mass Effect... maybe EA will back down on this, too.

Author:  X-Warrior [ 15 Jul 2009, 16:47 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

Quite the optimist, aren't you ?

Anyway, personally I couldn't be bothered really. I'm online 100% of pc-time anyway. Plus I'm on the type of ISP that would never do something ridiculous like blocking specific sites (unless ordered by government, and probably some highly illegal stuff). Therefore I'm not quite as strongly opposed to online checks as many others.

Doesn't mean I don't hate EA though. I haven't bought their games for years. Last one in the C&C series which I bought is Tiberian Sun...

Author:  DaFox [ 15 Jul 2009, 17:54 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

Anyway, personally I couldn't be bothered really. I'm online 100% of pc-time anyway. Plus I'm on the type of ISP that would never do something ridiculous like blocking specific sites (unless ordered by government, and probably some highly illegal stuff). Therefore I'm not quite as strongly opposed to online checks as many others.

I'm completely with you It doesnt really affect me at all. And the ISP blocking problem isnt a flaw of the games or steam in the noted case, thats just a case of a shit ISP.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 15 Jul 2009, 19:58 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

A game shouldn't require a good ISP to play offline. A game shouldn't require *any* ISP to play offline.

Author:  DaFox [ 15 Jul 2009, 20:35 ]
Post subject:  EA does Blizzard one better: C&C 4 online all the time

A game shouldn't require a good ISP to play offline. A game shouldn't require *any* ISP to play offline.

But you cant call it offline. Your playing online.

"A game shouldn't require a good ISP to play singleplayer." would be more suitable.

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