Widescreen Gaming Forum

Different screen sizes
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Author:  Contra [ 05 Jul 2009, 17:18 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

i have 2 22" widescreens currently
and either buy the third today or tomorrow i am gonna get another so i can start gaming with them
but my question is this

if i get a 23" (23" viewable aswell)
i know i can set up my Catalyst Control Center for different resolutions, that isn't the problem but will gaming get all screwed up?
runing the center monitor at 1920x1080
and the 2 sides at 1680x1050

Author:  whismerhill [ 05 Jul 2009, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

Probably unless they natively support multiple screens with different resolutions which is pretty rare...

Most of the time the game supports only one screen or one display area...
That's why there is TripleHead hardware & software & tweaks
to fool a game into thinking there is only one very wide area screen.

For example 3 monitors of 1680x1050 resolution each gives a total resolution of 5040x1050

Supreme Commander supports two screens with different resolution for each natively ...

Author:  Contra [ 05 Jul 2009, 18:15 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

i know, but if i use the triplehead with different size screens will it work, or screw up the game play?

Author:  whismerhill [ 05 Jul 2009, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

individual screens native resolution (or size) doesn't matter
what matters is that each of them gets the same resolution

Author:  Contra [ 05 Jul 2009, 18:24 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

so what you are saying is if the center screen can drop down to 1680x1050 then everthing would be ok right?

Author:  whismerhill [ 05 Jul 2009, 19:10 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

except the geometry of things might be a little weird if the image at the center is streched to the full size of the flat panel :wink:

Author:  Contra [ 06 Jul 2009, 01:32 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

ok well i got a 23" monitor cabable of running 1920x1080 HD baby!

but i am running it at 1680x1050 till i get 2 more :)

looks great

Author:  Abram [ 06 Jul 2009, 02:07 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

Which triple-head solution will y ou use? The little Matrox box or a second video card?

Author:  Contra [ 14 Jul 2009, 18:12 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

I don't us either, i am sucessfully using SothTH with COD 4

i use the one card (with 4 DVI out) and with the SothTH i also use widescreen fixer to adjust the FOV, looks awesome

Author:  skeeder [ 16 Jul 2009, 18:26 ]
Post subject:  Different screen sizes

For games you might be better off doing the 1680x1050. But for desktop if its soft2GO, then you could set it up with 1080p. To my knowledge at least.

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