For some reason the quality in HD mode was not as good as I'd anticipated, not much better than the smaller window mode. It also plays noticeably laggier in HD mode. Though when trying to verify that I ran into problems.
I got through two and a half of them and the player froze trying to go from SD to HD halfway through, so I gave up. I wanted to see if it really was HD mode causing the lag or whether it was Fraps lag from the recording of fight scenes.
There's some good stuff in them but honestly I feel it would have come across much better had you tried to condense the whole level into one vid showing just the action and using transitions to cut out store activity, saves, and long stretches without action.
It would have also added some excitement and cut the length down some had you tossed an explodable canister or two, like at the little critters. If memory serves you do have the Kinesis module at that point in the game.
I noticed you're using two 4850s in Crossfire and a Q6600. May I ask what res you are capturing to and what ave FPS you get while recording? I wish I had a rig good enough to capture this game, maybe by end of '09.
It was live gameplay/walkthrough not a trailer. If you lagged you probably needed to let it preload longer or youtube was having issues. The difference between HD and normal is HUGE I mean its atleast 5x better so not sure what problem you were having, its the difference of sharp text and graphics and the blur that is youtube.
Though I apprecaite the feedback.
As for my rig, yes dual 4850's and a q6600 my in game fps is very high over 100 but I use vsync so it locks at 60.
My recording settings is full screen (1920x1080) @ 30fps, so Fraps will cut it down to 30fps instantly as it locks to the capture rate, but it does cause some lag when recording mostly due to pegging the hard drive with recording a file thats like 3gb in 30 seconds... I think the lag is due to that and not due to the cpu strain but fraps does hit the cpu hard.
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