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High end PC users are PIRATES!
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Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 30 Sep 2008, 19:33 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

Ahaaaargh me hearties!

Yes Gears of War 2 is not coming to the PC. Who's fault is it? YOU LOT..well most of you anyway.

Cliff Bleszinski talks toss

As many of us here are PC hardware as well as gaming aficionados, we know about torrenting and therefore pirate games. Personally I am not at all worried about the loss (I thought GoW was rubbish on the PC) but I am very insulted by his comments. Epic were a PC games company and made their name, and money, that way..but have obviously turned to the dark side!

Myself I am not going to buy another Epic game; if that is their attitude (and I have most of their back catalogue) so they've lost one customer here...not for GoW2 'cos I don't have a 360 ;) But their other games!

Anybody else going to join my little, pointless (well it'll make me feel better), boycott? Discuss

Author:  CrackerJackMack [ 30 Sep 2008, 19:52 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

First post!

Author:  Soduka [ 30 Sep 2008, 20:00 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

That is one of the most asinine, self-stroking attitudes I've seen in a while. These guys need a club to talk about how evil PC gamers are.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 30 Sep 2008, 20:03 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

I'd already decided that I was not going to support someone who spouts that sort of outright nonsense. I'd love a collection of high-end gamers to sue him for libel or something. That'd be classic.

Problem is, from his perspective, if they release a PC game and no one buys it because it's toss, or we've all boycotted Epic for their "Epic" FAIL... they'll just whine and cry and say it's all piracy.

Aside from that, 'CliffyB' seems to think he's some sort of rock superstar, when in fact he's nothing of the sort.

GoW was complete shite on the PC. It was buggy (from the word go - the install routines had heart failure on Vista) and it played and behaved like a shit console port. BIG surprise there, then. Not.

Frankly, I wonder WTF Epic are even doing in the "PC Gaming Alliance"... all they do is bitch and whine and kiss Microsoft's XBox. In fact, the PCGA seems populated with groups more interested in killing PC gaming than 'saving' or 're-energising' it.

Go back to making good PC games, Epic... not the dross that was UT3. Then we'll talk. Until then, STFU.

Author:  CrackerJackMack [ 30 Sep 2008, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

That is one of the most asinine, self-stroking attitudes I've seen in a while. These guys need a club to talk about how evil PC gamers are.

They way the text was written it sounds as if it's emphatic instead of based on facts. Which I guess everyone is subject to

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 30 Sep 2008, 21:24 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

The way Cliff puts it is totally wrong but I do understand why game developers turn away from PC gaming as it's a fact piracy is WAY bigger on the PC then on the consoles. Saying that all high end PC users are pirates goes way to far though.

Author:  skeeder [ 30 Sep 2008, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

my favorite game group has failed. I loved GOW for pc. UT 2004 I played until no one was left in the servers UT3...well, lets just say it wasn't up to par with the "fun" level of 2004. man...this sucks...I can't afford an xbox, and my pc gets upgraded from RMA's! GRRR!

Epic fail.

Interplay doesn't exist anymore...Eido's still has some one-hit-wonders. But who will save us?

Author:  Tanuki [ 30 Sep 2008, 22:24 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

Interplay doesn't exist anymore

Interplay is making a Fallout MMO.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 30 Sep 2008, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

Interplay doesn't exist anymore...Eido's still has some one-hit-wonders. But who will save us?
Valve! Well it is the last big 'we love PC' lot out there. And STEAM is great IMO...I have all my games on one disk and I can plug it into any PC I want and play.

EDIT: Skeeder, as a high end PC geek, it is obviously my personal fault you won't get much more love from Epic. So I hereby submit my humblest apologies. Now I am off to TORTUGA! :roll:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 30 Sep 2008, 22:47 ]
Post subject:  High end PC users are PIRATES!

Valve aren't quite as awesome as some make out, but they're pretty decent overall.

One more thing I forgot:

Epic made it's name in PC games... so all they're doing is turning on the people who supported them and made them what they are today. Kinda sad, really.

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