Widescreen Gaming Forum

WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll
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Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 09 Jan 2008, 04:05 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

Of all the games that were released and certified in 2007, these five are the most popular. Which one will win the second annual WSGF Game of the Year award?

Author:  mengzor [ 09 Jan 2008, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

How can Team fortress 2 be tied with the witcher :<
C'mon guys , portal wasn't that great. I spent like 3 hours on that game at release and haven't touched it since.

Author:  TheRealOmegaMan [ 10 Jan 2008, 16:59 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

The fact that the Orange Box shoves all HL2 versions and extras down your throat without the option of just purchasing each game and expansion pack separately (for those of us who already own HL2, HL2 Episode 1) should be enough to oust it from any top spot, regardless of how good it is and the Widescreen (WS) options it provides. Although, my hats off to Valve for the WS support in HL2, Team Fortress and Episode 2 should have been available SEPERATELY. Instead I have to fork out another $50 for games I already own? NA, I don't think so.

.....Just my thoughts and rants. :lol:

PS...Witcher is a great game so far for sure, but my vote is for Bioshock eventhough it was a lame duck on WS options, still, the best game I ever played...just edging HL2.

Author:  Tumdace [ 10 Jan 2008, 18:20 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

Wow... if you had steam you could buy them seperately.. get your facts straight, Valve didnt shove them down our throats in one package.
A) you didnt have to buy the orange box, hence no shoving
B) you can buy each game seperately on STEAM, hence no shoving
C) Be glad they made a package, buying the orange box is cheaper than buying all 3 games seperately (well if u pre ordered)

Author:  TheRealOmegaMan [ 10 Jan 2008, 20:46 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

First, before addressing your remarks I should first apologize if I came across as bitter or angry (hard to express correct emotions in sentences). Quite the contrary. HL2 and HL2 Episode 1 were both fantastic games and enjoyed both. But, I will not retract based on "facts". Here's why..

you didn’t have to buy the orange box, hence no shoving

With that same thought buying ANY box or game would be relevant to your statement, I don't have to buy ANYTHING for that matter. Come on, what a copout and I'm not letting Valve off the hook that easy. But for the sake of clarity, those of us who have most of what’s in the box may not want the items we already own, so we either spend the full $50 for product we already spent $50 on OR as you suggest, don't buy it.

you can buy each game separately on STEAM, hence no shoving

Ah yes, wonderful STEAM. Coaster of the year on it's first go round although I must admit MUCH improved since from what I’ve read. Anyway, and my point, some of us prefer the CD/DVD, the box and manual than purchasing online. Just a thing with me and believe it or not, others as well. I own Bioshock and bought the box for the same price as the download. Simple economics tells the better bargain here. And without the need to download software to get more software. So, YES, is you want it out of the box then the Orange Box is the only way....hence the "all or nothing" or "Shoving" as I put it. If you want to look at it further, in order to get each separately you would HAVE to get STEAM to get what you want. So, now STEAM is shoved at you as well. Free or not, I prefer the box.

Be glad they made a package, buying the orange box is cheaper than buying all 3 games seperately (well if u pre ordered)

Simply to answer this....Or be VERY GLAD if you could purchase the new games separately AND cheaper then wasting money again on what you already own. And, this is not something new to Valve with this series. Reminder....Episode 1 came in a BOX - $19.99.

I'm not saying the Orange Box isn't a good deal. It sure would be if you didn't already own most of the games. I guess it's all on how you see it and what you’re willing to do. Bottom line, I try avoiding downloading for Reselling, Trading and Re-Install purposes and I prefer the on the shelf game.

Author:  kickman [ 10 Jan 2008, 20:51 ]
Post subject:  HALF LIFE, OF COURSE...

Half life will always be for me the best game ever made. I m not sure, but is not true that cod4 was released in january 2008.? :?

Author:  XPMaster [ 10 Jan 2008, 21:08 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

Although I only own Call of Duty 4 on Xbox 360 (although that's still widescreen thank god), I'd say that's the most realistic game out of all of the listed. If Crysis was on here, I'd probably vote for that one, even if it requires a fast gaming machine..

^^ CoD4 was released at least before December last year: it was my Christmas present.

Author:  Cynagen [ 10 Jan 2008, 21:54 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

I'm not saying the Orange Box isn't a good deal. It sure would be if you didn't already own most of the games.

Shut your ranting pie-hole. If you ordered the orange box and had duplicates of games, like I had HL2 and Ep1 already, I was able to give those as gifts to another friend on Steam, so the money is not wasted, and handing those out to him, saved him $40, which was $5 less than I paid for the orange box. Stop whining, they invented the gifting system to address money lost like that. Your point has been refuted, also, it works just the same for boxed versions, cept you hand out the disc code rather than the gift on steam.

This is not an invitation to flame, so if you do, I've seen enough that I'll be more than happy to report this thread and your overly aggressive behavior to the nearest mod.

Author:  miahallen [ 10 Jan 2008, 21:57 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

Alright! Love to see all the votes for Portal...it's the best puzzel game I've ever played, and got my vote. CoD4 was great, but Portal was so unique and I enjoyed it SO much!

Author:  TheRealOmegaMan [ 10 Jan 2008, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  WSGF GOTY 2007: Final poll

Shut your ranting pie-hole.

Very nice Cynagen....Your parents must be proud.

Ibrim...can you warn this Troll?

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