Widescreen Gaming Forum

Don't expect much from 2K support...
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Author:  Ryom [ 23 Aug 2007, 09:54 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

I bought Jade Empire at the beginning of July. The game doesn't load, it's configuration utility crashes out during the hardware scan. I put in a ticket at 2K support for technical support. I went through the 1st level scripts... kill all processes, re-install, verify game files, change drivers, mail in dxdiag report, mail in MS crash report, stand on your head, yadda-yadda, no dice. So they say they are bumping me up to second level support and to wait for hear from them.

A week passes, no reply back or acknowledgment of my case being received by 2nd level support. I email in and inquire if my case is still open, they say yes, they are working on it and to wait for a reply.

A MONTH AND A HALF! later (ie: today), 2nd level support emails me back.

Try verifying the content for the Jade empire download...

WHAT?!?! That "answer" took a month and a half? And we already did that, over a month ago with level one support. "Uhh, sure thing..." *verifies game files*, "ALL GOOD!"... I await your next reply in October.

$40 bucks and over a month and a half later I still haven't gotten to play my game legitimately (see below).

FYI, the pirated version I downloaded in the interim works flawlessly (I'm not condoning piracy... I paid full retail for the game and got tired of waiting for an answer after a month passed with NO CONTACT from tech support!). It's too bad I had to get a game I paid for legitimately by illegitimate means in order to play it. Why does the pirated version function better than the retail release? Who am I kidding, the retail release doesn't even function at all for me!

This makes me VERY hesitant to purchase BioShock, if this is the quality of their tech support. And many of you are aware of the kind of dissembling the devs of BioShock are capable of regarding even simple issues like our little widescreen thing. Very hesitant indeed...

Author:  Drexion [ 23 Aug 2007, 12:50 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

On the 2KGames forums, some people are reporting that the Securom rootkit gets installed from the Bioshock PC demo as well. Anyone have more information on this rootkit from the latest Securom version ? I'm hearing its intrusive, similar to the old nasty versions of starforce.

There were also some screencaps of an anti-rootkit program detecting it, but the mods there deleted the threads faster than I could read/save.

Saw this image there too, lol

Author:  BlueMak [ 23 Aug 2007, 12:53 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

I love this screenshot. Wonderful.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 23 Aug 2007, 13:13 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

That's a classic. :lol:

Author:  Elios [ 23 Aug 2007, 13:45 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

wow nice catch22 2K way to fail at supporting a game

Author:  skeeder [ 23 Aug 2007, 14:45 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

heres what you do...call one...tell them to wait...put them on hold...call the other...do a 3 way call and have them fix it. Most companies will blame the other until you do this...this seems to work for most situations.

Author:  Elios [ 23 Aug 2007, 14:52 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

heres what you do...call one...tell them to wait...put them on hold...call the other...do a 3 way call and have them fix it. Most companies will blame the other until you do this...this seems to work for most situations.

lol id so try this with skype if i had the game lol

Author:  Ryom [ 27 Aug 2007, 05:52 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

2K support emailed back, said to remove then reinstall the video driver (again!)

Did what they said, config utility still crashes. I guess 2nd level support is going to have me redo everything level 1 had me do.

Anyone else dealt with 2K support before? Experiences?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 27 Aug 2007, 11:13 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...


When this sort of thing happens, I normally just give up and write off the cost of the game until I get another system I can actually be bothered to test the game on.

This happened with Titan Quest (as the store I bought it from wouldn't accept it back) although I'm still too chicken to actually install it again, in case it makes another graphics card go to the great GPU graveyard...

Author:  Ryom [ 27 Aug 2007, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Don't expect much from 2K support...

This is a brand new system built in May... top of the line. I won't be upgrading again soon. Like I said, I already got the pirate version meanwhile and it runs flawlessly, so I have no idea what is up with the retail version. I'd rather have the retail game work so I can just have steam reload it if needed for various reasons.

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