Widescreen Gaming Forum

Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be
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Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Aug 2007, 22:06 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Awwwww pants guys ...

Yep ... the FOV is the same width whatever your screen ... so widescreen users are missing the top and bottom of the view (the red bit).

There are no FOV settings in the user.ini ... if you add them they are ignored ...

::TrueWS and :WWTH2Go

Please post your displeasure in this thread over at the 2K forums ...
Please make your posts civil ...


Admin Update:
Racer_S has posted a fix for the WS issue. (Download here.) Jump to this post in this topic to see that piece of the conversation. Please hit the Digg to help people find out about the fix: http://digg.com/pc_games/Racer_S_and_the_Widescreen_Gaming_Forum_provide_WS_hack_for_Bioshock

Author:  Ryom [ 20 Aug 2007, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Noooooo! I'm going to be missing even more since my display is 16:9! How can you mess up widescreen on a game that launches on the xbox360? Don't they have to properly support widescreen to get released? :(

Bleh and bleh.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 20 Aug 2007, 22:34 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

"Games for Windows" requires widescreen ... but they think widescreen means widescreen resolutions ... :roll:

Author:  BlueMak [ 20 Aug 2007, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

If this is confirmed on the release version of the game, if I get the game I will go for the 360 version. Looks like 2K Boston should be renamed to Noobs Boston.

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:08 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

%$&^#@!!!! :evil:

That is just a pathetic attempt to support widescreen. Very dissapointing.

Lads, is there a way we can "amend" the game to get the proper FOV?

I feel even sorrier for TH2G users.

EDIT: I feel like going over to the Bioshock forums and giving them an earfull, but I doubt this would be affective. Is there a "Policy Procedure" for WSGF to lodge thier concern with a game designer/dev? Do we have someone that can represent the people around here? Kinda like a standard opertaing procedure for expressing our views as a campaigning body, not just a bunch of individuals having thier whinge?

Author:  Destroy [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:19 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Damn nation this pisses me off, stupid idiot game makers must have their heads up their arse!!!

Way to ruin a good game.

Author:  BlueMak [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:20 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Well, if we don't, we should.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:29 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Please post your displeasure in this thread over at the 2K forums ...
Please make your posts civil ...


Author:  Abram [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

So it that the demo or full version?

If it's the demo I'll hold out a little hope that it'll be fixed in the full version.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Aug 2007, 00:53 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Demo ... but please tell 2K (link above) that you would like TRUE widescreen ... the more that tell em the more chance we have of it being fixed in a Patch.

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