Widescreen Gaming Forum

Frame rates at 1680x1050
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Author:  bloodandsoil [ 17 Jan 2007, 10:58 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

I have a 20.1" monitor with native 1680x1050 resolution. Do you think I'll have any problems with framerates at such a high resolution? I have an 8800GTX and an Intel C2D E6600 and 2 x 1GB PC2-6400...

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 17 Jan 2007, 11:04 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Depends on the game. If you're gonna run R6 Vegas with everything at the highest settings the framerates could be a little dissapointing.
On the other hand though, that is probably the only current game that will cause that setup to have any problems.

So please tell us what you are planning to play on that system so we can give some more specific info. :wink:

Author:  thechemist [ 17 Jan 2007, 17:26 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Honestly, no. The 8800 GTX can run FEAR at 1920 x1440 at around 60 FPS and that's with 4xAA and 16xAF. That sounds like a great system that will keep you gaming happily for a long time.

Author:  skeeder [ 17 Jan 2007, 23:27 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

'bout to say, no way, your more than in the clear

Author:  ajg [ 17 Jan 2007, 23:33 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

agre, my 8800gtx and amy singel core 3700 (oc'd) are fine at this res on any game i play. 6600 will be much better :)

Author:  Thin_J [ 18 Jan 2007, 00:16 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Yeah, I have a Core 2 E6400 clocked at 2.9ghz paired with an 8800GTX and it kicks ass in everything I've thrown at it.

I play at 1680x1050 too by the way. I guess that'd be an important detail ;)

Author:  SadistBlue [ 18 Jan 2007, 08:10 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

I have a e6600 @ 3.6ghz, 8800gtx oc to 600/950, 2GB Corsair Dominator pc6400. I use a 22" widescreen, and I get 60fps in every game I've played with a drop to 50 at minimum, and that is by no means constant.

I've played FEAR, Fable, WoW, Guild Wars, and pretty much every other 'advanced game'. Oblivion on the other hand honestly floats around 40-60, but that is with settings on plain max (excluding some obvious ones like grass) Though I have full distance enabled and a few mods installed to make it prettier, but it's heaven otherwise. And by no means whatsoever takes away. It's a godly setup, so expect some awesome fps. As most games will be shooting around 200fps and you will want to turn vsync on to reduce tearing.

If you benchmark with 3dmarks06 I get 13,200 with my setup.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 18 Jan 2007, 08:32 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Have any of you 8800GTX owners played R6 Vegas? I'm interested in the results you guys get in that game. :)

Author:  Daemonius [ 18 Jan 2007, 08:34 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Nope, can't say that I have :D

Author:  L3TUC3 [ 18 Jan 2007, 08:46 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Played R6 with my 7800GT at 1680x1050. It's at a steady 20 fps.

Odd thing though, because it's still pretty fluid.

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