Widescreen Gaming Forum

Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?
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Author:  RionikuAnjiru [ 09 Nov 2006, 18:52 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

Well, the recently released 1.01 patch fixed the anti-aliasing problem (Inexistence?) of Anti-Aliasing in SC4.

However, I can't, for the life of me, get it to work in a custom rez... I turn it on in the menu, save the settings (Which reverts back to 1280x). It works fine.

Then I exit the game, go into the ini to change the rez to 1680x1050, and when I load up the game the AA is gone... hmmm.

Anyone has any insights on this?

EDIT : I forgot to mention, there is a FSAA setting in the .ini, but when changed to anything but 0 the game crashes on startup and reboots my computer.

Author:  garav [ 10 Nov 2006, 10:13 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

seems to be working fine for me @ 1440x900 :? a lot less jaggies now :D

Author:  Mott [ 12 Nov 2006, 01:54 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

I got it to work with 1680*1050, but my problem now is that it randomly reboots my computer. Anyone?

Author:  TurboRegal [ 24 Nov 2006, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

What kind of computers are you guys running to be able to play at these resolutions???

I just tried installing it on my Inspiron 6400 (1gb ram, x1400, 1.83ghz core duo) and it doesnt even run smooth on 640x480 with all the settings to low?

Is there something up with my computer?

Author:  DaFox [ 24 Nov 2006, 05:48 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

Is there something up with my computer?

Yeah your video card :)

Author:  ochentay4 [ 20 Jan 2007, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Double Agent Anti-Aliasing - Fix, but what about widescreen?

What kind of computers are you guys running to be able to play at these resolutions???

I just tried installing it on my Inspiron 6400 (1gb ram, x1400, 1.83ghz core duo) and it doesnt even run smooth on 640x480 with all the settings to low?

Is there something up with my computer?

your vga card is not very good for this game. compare your card with a geforce 6500...

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