Widescreen Gaming Forum

Unreal 2004
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Author:  Mercenary [ 25 Oct 2006, 13:26 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

Hi all,

I already read the unreal 2003 topic. Since the engines are the same, I also editted the .ini file. My resolution looks perfect. But i still have input lag. Could it be that my graphics card sucks? I have a nVidia GE 7300 SE 512 mb card a.t.m. And yes it is a shared one

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 25 Oct 2006, 21:13 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

If it's low framerates you're talking about, then yes it's the graphics card. What screen are you using? And are you using a wireless mouse/keyboard?

edit: moved to General Gaming...

Author:  skeeder [ 25 Oct 2006, 21:19 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

I thought UT2004 supported widescreen out of the box?

Author:  Mercenary [ 26 Oct 2006, 11:55 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

If it's low framerates you're talking about, then yes it's the graphics card. What screen are you using? And are you using a wireless mouse/keyboard?

edit: moved to General Gaming...

[edit: moved to General Gaming...] Sorry about that ^^

Well, the screen i'm using you can see at my system specs. I'm using wired mouse and keyboard. But i guess my graphics card is just not good enough becouse it is a 512 mb shared one, and I only have 1024 mb memory. So i think that's the problem.


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Oct 2006, 12:10 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

Yeah, shared memory cards always suck. Latencies between system RAM and the card are far higher than the card and its onboard memory - plus the system RAM isn't dedicated graphics RAM. Speed and bandwidth are an issue too - even relatively slow GDDR on cards now is 1GHz... and normal DDR or DDR2 just can't match that.

There shouldn't be any serious input lag, unless the screen's response time is really poor. (25ms or worse...) But yeah, getting a better GPU will help markedly, I reckon. :)

Author:  StinkyMojo [ 26 Oct 2006, 16:42 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

I thought UT2004 supported widescreen out of the box?


Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 26 Oct 2006, 19:49 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

Always has for me. Not for some people, though... :?

Author:  The Mighty Wimp [ 26 Oct 2006, 20:16 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

[quote]I thought UT2004 supported widescreen out of the box?

Odd. When i installed it on my PC when it was new beofre i downloaded any patchs it had my native res :?

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 27 Oct 2006, 00:45 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

The Unreal engine games are strange. It always seems that either 1280x800 or 1280x768 works out of the box, but never both, and rarely any other widescreen res. But anything will work if you edit the .ini file.

But even if your resolution does work out of the box, you'll still want to edit your user.ini file so you can set your FOV precisely (the Unreal engine games are vert - if you don't increase the FOV).

Author:  The Mighty Wimp [ 27 Oct 2006, 00:47 ]
Post subject:  Unreal 2004

The Unreal engine games are strange. It always seems that either 1280x800 or 1280x768 works out of the box, but never both, and rarely any other widescreen res. But anything will work if you edit the .ini file.

But even if your resolution does work out of the box, you'll still want to edit your user.ini file so you can set your FOV precisely (the Unreal engine games are vert - if you don't increase the FOV).

Alot of games that had it out of the box, UT2004 included, i was fine with the FOV myself.

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