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Final Fantasy XII for PC
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Author:  omegaferrari [ 27 Jul 2006, 23:19 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

here i go i think that square should listen , cause i have not played any good games lately , and i think that 2006 has been kinda low for pc gaming so...

Author:  Microtia [ 27 Jul 2006, 23:29 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

I would go with no, I don't particularly enjoy Final Fantasy games. But of course I didn't actually vote because the options are just SLIGHTLY biased.

Author:  omegaferrari [ 27 Jul 2006, 23:34 ]
Post subject:  yeah

he he yeah i know its just that maybe there are other people here that would like to play some consoling without actually buying an xbox 360 and enjoying heir pc and ws monitor , i woul d like to see resident evil 4 on pc and final fantasi XII as much as i would love to see DEUS EX 3 or CRYSIS , its just that i have not liked any new games lately , or perhaps somethings wrong

Author:  darklight_tr [ 28 Jul 2006, 19:03 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

I ain't gonna happen anyways. Square/Enix will release multiplayer games for PC, but nothing else. I've given up on them releasing any more single player Final Fantasy games for PC.

Author:  Ice[DDZ] [ 29 Jul 2006, 13:14 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

I'd love to see FFX while they're at it :) That game still holds some of the better graphics on the PS2.

Author:  MisMatch [ 29 Jul 2006, 14:26 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

"]I'd love to see FFX while they're at it :) That game still holds some of the better graphics on the PS2.

FFX has the best graphics but in my opinion its the worst FF game when it comes to game play, storyline and character development.
I tried very hard to finish FFX but I just couldn’t do it. Walking on a small path from one scripted event to another scripted event with zero freedom is just too damn boring and predictable. Story line might be just personal but it never could interest me very much either, in a lot of situations you already knew what was going to happen before it actually did happen. Overall FFX is a very big disappointment for me.
I would choose FF III or IV any day over FFX, those two games doesn’t have amazing graphics but the game play is rock solid.

graphics dont make a game a good game, gameplay does and this is even more true when it comes to RPG's imho

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 30 Jul 2006, 13:55 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC


You obviously haven't played FF X-2. That was the worst excuse for a FF game ever. FFX, in comparison, was utterly superlative. I'm not saying it was compared to all the others, just to X-2. ;)

I'd take FFVI or FFVIII over any of the others, but FFX has competition from Shadow Hearts: Covenant on the PS2. I actually prefer SH:C to FFX, but that's mostly because Tidus was a complete tosspot, while Yuri was actually... y'know, cool. :lol: Plus, you've got to respect a guy who can turn into demons. 8)

I've ordered Shin Megami Tenshi, so I'll see how good that is when it arrives. XenoSaga II was pretty good, but was hard work to get into for me...

Author:  omegaferrari [ 30 Jul 2006, 16:25 ]
Post subject:  good

so , final fantasy XII rulz ,and we will see , but how about seein some on pc i mean does final fantasy XI (which i havent tried) , has combat like all the final fantasy series or is it different ?

Author:  MisMatch [ 30 Jul 2006, 19:11 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

i know everything about FF X-2 and thats also why i didnt even bother playing that game ;)
compared with X-2 FFX is great, compared with FFIII or FFVI FFX is a big disappointment.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 30 Jul 2006, 20:40 ]
Post subject:  Final Fantasy XII for PC

Yeah, I dunno... they're aimed at different generations. FFVI was the culmination of a lot of effort and experience on the SNES, while FFX was the first outing on the PS2. It would have helped if they'd have made the main character a little less annoying... still Final Fantasy X International is well worth it for the Dark Aeons and Penance. :D

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