Widescreen Gaming Forum

Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay
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Author:  BongoTrumman [ 06 Jul 2006, 02:21 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

Call of Duty 3 gameplay video

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 06 Jul 2006, 03:29 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

It looked great until I saw the button-mashing grappling sequence. Then a part of me inside died.

Author:  ajg [ 06 Jul 2006, 06:14 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

knowhere near as good looking as the trailer at the games fair earlier in the year. And agree the grappling sequence just said console :(

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 06 Jul 2006, 07:51 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

This trailer has written CONSOLE all over it.
The way the camera moves, the way it looks, the key pushing stuff. To bad.
I still haven't figured out why they want to make fps games for consoles. It just SUCKS!! :(

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 06 Jul 2006, 18:17 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

I don't mind console gamers getting FPS's, but it really kills me when a successful PC FPS franchise is ruined when the sequel is made for consoles. Look at Deus Ex: Invisible War, a sequel that DEFINES "dumbing down for consoles." And there's Serious Sam 2, a sequel that gets rid of all of the edge, menace, challenge, and firepower that made the original so great, and replaces it with colorful and goofy visuals and bad guys, and gives you underpowered weapons to gun them down with.

Author:  skipclarke [ 06 Jul 2006, 19:11 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

"You filthy German Son of a Bitch!" LOL!@COD3 :D

You know that grappling sequence looked kinda cool. The fact that the instructions to button mash were right in your face distracted from the action, but I liked the sequence - your MP-40 goes flying in the air, the german forces you to grapple hand to hand....very cinematic.

Unfortunately I have a hunch that this is the one innovative feature of the series that will be highlighted add nauseam until December. I think Cranky has a point about the convergence of consoles and pc's - more and more I think we are getting to that point where the clear majority of AAA releases are going to be console games ported over to the pc rather than vice versa, or platform exclusive releases.

Perhaps this is a case of MS dictating policy to enhance the 360's advantage?

Author:  BongoTrumman [ 18 Aug 2006, 17:33 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

More videos:


Author:  skipclarke [ 28 Aug 2006, 06:37 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

Nice. You know i've been thinking more and more about the 360 lately. It is looking pretty good. Especially if you have a large widescreen television and 5.1 surround sound to back it up, i'd imagine the experience would be quite immersive and really give the PC a run for its money. Add the fact that you don't have to tweak a single game for widescreen support and it gets even more tempting. :wink:

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 28 Aug 2006, 22:27 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

>>Especially if you have a large widescreen television and 5.1 surround sound to back it up, i'd imagine the experience would be quite immersive and really give the PC a run for its money.
Unless you connect the PC to the same large widescreen TV and the same 5.1 surround-sound. Then the PC wins with no contest.

Author:  skipclarke [ 29 Aug 2006, 05:51 ]
Post subject:  Video: Call of Duty 3 gameplay

Hmm, that would be an interesting proposition, though i'm not sure I envy the logistics of getting the game running properly in 16:9, or finding a comfortable setup in our living room for the mouse and keyboard. It would be interesting to see how others have integrated pc's into their home entertainment setups.

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