Widescreen Gaming Forum

Prey Demo!
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Author:  Forsakenzoul [ 22 Jun 2006, 06:35 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

So anyone played it already?!?!?!?!? ^^ i did :D ginished the single player mode on the demo. one complaint...no 1920x1200 support BOOOOO! so i guess it will requier a hack of some sort :D

anywho the game is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can get it from gamespot.com and other sites.

Author:  Pelican [ 22 Jun 2006, 07:25 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

I'm about to start it but it's weird that you can choose 16:10 and still not have it run in 1920x1200.

Author:  Vulture [ 22 Jun 2006, 07:49 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

hey I haven't really tested this since I won't have the chance to give the demo a go till tomorrow evening, but try this:

look for preyconfig.cfg in the /base folder and make sure that the following lines match for your desired resolution:

seta r_customHeight "1200"
seta r_customWidth "1920"
seta r_aspectRatio "2" (16:10, which can also be set in the video options)
seta r_mode "-1"

without adjusting the mode, simply changing the customheight/width values will have no effect.

Hope this works, I haven't tried it and I'm not sure if any stretching will occur or whatever, if you do happen to try it, just reply with the results.


Author:  Ice[DDZ] [ 22 Jun 2006, 12:42 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

I liked the demo for it's wackyness... But I doubt I'll buy the game, not enough fun really. It's like playing a more advanced Doom 3 :)

Author:  Forsakenzoul [ 22 Jun 2006, 17:03 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

Thanx Vulture, will give it a go when i get home today ^^. I liked the game its sweet IMO, it breaks from the usual i mean now you have people shooting at you from everywhere, in the roof or floor or wall or from inside a box which leads to another room acroos the hall. Its crazy!!

Author:  ajg [ 22 Jun 2006, 17:29 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

it is odd but nothing groundbreaking. wheres the next gen graphics rather than the doom3 stuff? worries me when my 754 chipped and 850 agp machine can run a brand new game maxed out at 1440 res

Author:  ub00t [ 22 Jun 2006, 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

My R9800pro and XP3000+ can only render 1680*1050 with medium @20-30FPS in fights 10 maybe... There has to be new hardware in my lian li ;D

Author:  Gilly [ 22 Jun 2006, 20:12 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

if you upgrade i might be interested in that 9800Pro :)

Author:  ub00t [ 22 Jun 2006, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

Sorry, but you would have to wait until August ;)

Cause I'm waiting for the extreme cutting of prices from the AM2 X2. (because auf Conroe).

Back to topic: Prey is a very interesting an some kind of different shooter. Full 16:10 support (fov change) is integrated - great.

Author:  Gilly [ 22 Jun 2006, 21:09 ]
Post subject:  Prey Demo!

i cant get the game to work properly on my GT system lol... it skews off the side of the screen, it will only play properly windowed.

the reason i say may is because i might sell my second machine :) so i dont need it if i sell. If i just sell the GT, i will want the 9800Pro :P

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