Yeah, Call of Duty as well as Quake 3 forces defaults FOV (80, and 90 respectively) in multiplayer mode for even playing field. There is no way around it.
:roll: I know... developer should allow proportional FOV change upto 16:9 widescreen ratio in multiplayer games. But remember those two games (Quake 3 engine) doesn't even support widescreen resolutions out of the box. I just thank to the flexibility of Quake 3 engine for config tweak --> widescreen.
As for Far Cry,
What about FarCry? I've read that you don't see any more width even though there is an in game widescreen resolution available.
if that's true, that means FOV "value" does not increase with aspect ratio increase. (4:3 --> 16:10 and/or 16:9).
And this actually means that *actual* FOV is
decreased in widescreen resolutions compared to normal 4:3 because top, and bottom of image will be cropped to overcome aspect ratio distortion (aka horizontal stretch).
Ideally, FOV should increase
automatically as AR increases. But I guess, Crytek didn't take this into account.
I haven't tried Far Cry yet. But as long as there is a console command for FOV change, I guess this FOV issue can be overcome just like UT2004. I'll look into it.
P.S. Nice screenshots of Painkiller, BTW. I might as well try Painkiller. And also nice to see another HT enthusiast. :D I'm using Sim2 HT300+ Link DLP projector with 92" (diagonal) FireHawk as well. But I use it mainly for movie watching, and play games on it time to time. For PC games, I mostly use Apple 23" Cinema Display because of its high resolution. (1920x1200 native).