Widescreen Gaming Forum

ok not sure whether to go widesreen, need some convincing!
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Author:  scoss [ 17 May 2005, 10:30 ]
Post subject:  ok not sure whether to go widesreen, need some convincing!

hi, ive been looking to get a new tft and i was all set to get the viewsonic vp201, now this is a very fine tft but i then got a look of the dell 2450 and then was hooked on this baby. the trouble is im really not sure about the widescreen aspect. i play alot of games and i will be a total noob if i were to get my 2450 and i can just see myself sweating with frustration at not getting my games to run in widescreen format.

tell me is it hard to alter the aspect for many games?
i see that hl2 had widescreen options from the start was this a one off or will more developers start making their games cater for the widescreen market?

cheers for your help

Author:  skipclarke [ 17 May 2005, 12:58 ]
Post subject:  ok not sure whether to go widesreen, need some convincing!

There are several threads that discuss the pros of using widescreen, from gaming to productivity. I'd suggest searching through this forum (General Widescreen). If you'd like to find specific games, look at the stickied topics in the Widescreen Solutions forum. Also, check out the screenshots, they will show how many popular titles handle widescreen (stretch, Hor +, Vert -).

The search function always works well. :-) If you don't see a game in the native list, and want to see if we have the hack, do a search for "Solution [game]." (Be sure to search for all keywords.) All solution threads have "Solution" in the title, so that would cut out all the "discussion" topics.

Author:  Renkai [ 31 May 2005, 09:09 ]
Post subject:  ok not sure whether to go widesreen, need some convincing!

Hi, I recently picked up the 2005FPW. I had concerns as well prior to deciding on which LCD to purchase. My other choice was looking at the Hyundai L90D. I play a lot of the recent games and some older ones too. Personally I am very glad to have gone WS. For example in HL2 it's totally awesome. UT2004 and FarCry are other standouts in WS format. Really outstanding, and I am now so glad I made the switch to WS. Also I play EQ, EQ2 and Guild Wars. MMORPGs seem like they were made to be played in WS! SWG too, and I hear WoW is great in WS.

Older games do have their issues. Luckily there is WSGF.com to help us out ;)

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