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Author:  DaFox [ 29 Oct 2009, 12:57 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

I'm already level 50 Siren, got there almost 24 hours ago. Where've y'all been?

Lots of replaying low level content helping friends with quests.

Current build: http://downloads.2kgames.com/borderlands/website/skilltree/roland/#01505500050500005000000
Potential final build: http://downloads.2kgames.com/borderlands/website/skilltree/roland/#01505500050500005014055

I may ditch 'Stat' for 'Assault'. I would also ditch 'Overload' and put that point into 'Cauterize'.

Author:  Cynagen [ 29 Oct 2009, 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

[quote]I'm already level 50 Siren, got there almost 24 hours ago. Where've y'all been?

Lots of replaying low level content helping friends with quests.

Current build: http://downloads.2kgames.com/borderlands/website/skilltree/roland/#01505500050500005000000
Potential final build: http://downloads.2kgames.com/borderlands/website/skilltree/roland/#01505500050500005014055

I may ditch 'Stat' for 'Assault'. I would also ditch 'Overload' and put that point into 'Cauterize'.

Ahh, yeah, see, I've been playing SP by myself pretty much nonstop. No job, and nothing else to do, so it's been a big Borderlands session. I'm all Borderland'd out now. I'll start a new character and play with some people. We need to get some dedicated borderlands groups going though, really, it's fun playing with 3 other people, but the GaySpy support sucks ass, and doesn't tell you jack about the connection quality. First night playing online I got dropped from practically every effin game I joined. Sometimes almost right away, other times, I could jam out for about 15-20 minutes and then drop. After that I just did my long run of Borderlands. Gonna restart my main character here soon if I can find somebody to start up a new one with me.

Author:  Simplex [ 31 Oct 2009, 20:41 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

I am at level 13 Soldier so far, finally breaking down and changing FOV.

To what value did you change fov?
I have a widescreen 16:10 monitor and I don't know how to best set the FOV. All I know is that the default FOV setting is idiotic. I never had any nausea problems caused by FOV (even in cropped-zoomed Bioshock) until now. I was even thinking - "how can you feal nauseous from a FPS game?" - now I know. Thanks to you, Borderlands.

Author:  mengzor [ 31 Oct 2009, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

S'all preference but 100-110 should be fine.
Im at 105 personally and game feels fine

Author:  stenchlord [ 31 Oct 2009, 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Is there a proper FoV fix? Not one where we need to always press a button to change it?

Also if you're going to play Soldier online, this is what I'd recommend.


Author:  DaFox [ 01 Nov 2009, 04:13 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

This is my build, who needs turrets?

Author:  mengzor [ 01 Nov 2009, 18:11 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

Is there a proper FoV fix? Not one where we need to always press a button to change it?



To adjust FOV (Field of View):
Within WillowInput.ini:

Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Below the chunk of bindings, find/mod the following:

Bindings=(Name="W",Command="MoveForward | Axis aGas Speed=+1.0 | FOV 105",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigge r=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgno reShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)


basically bind fov to forward so that you dont need to keep pressing the button

Author:  infernus [ 01 Nov 2009, 18:27 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

I sorta want a shitstorm because of this but I cba to make a DR myself. :(

Author:  stenchlord [ 01 Nov 2009, 23:52 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

[quote]Is there a proper FoV fix? Not one where we need to always press a button to change it?



To adjust FOV (Field of View):
Within WillowInput.ini:

Search for [WillowGame.WillowPlayerInput]. Below the chunk of bindings, find/mod the following:

Bindings=(Name="W",Command="MoveForward | Axis aGas Speed=+1.0 | FOV 105",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,LeftTrigge r=False,RightTrigger=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgno reShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)


basically bind fov to forward so that you dont need to keep pressing the button

Thanks for that, has helped immensely.

Author:  erikjanneman [ 02 Nov 2009, 01:41 ]
Post subject:  Borderlands

If anyone had not noticed this yet:

If you're running Borderlands on a Windows 7 platform, chances are you aren't actually running the game in DirectX 10. Why? Who knows. However, ShackNews has a very easy fix that will switch to the DirectX 10 render path and a few tweaks that will give you more visual eye candy to gawk at.

1. Go to the directory --> C:Users[Your user Name]DocumentsMy GamesBorderlandsWillowGameConfig a. Find the file WillowEngine.ini (make a copy and rename it as a backup)
2. Find the section [SystemSettings]

Change the following settings to True, you will see if you are currently in DX9 as well.
- AllowD3D10=True (this is the key one to enable the DX10 render engine)

Also change the following
- MotionBlur=True
- DepthOfField=True
- Bloom=True
- UseHighQualityBloom=True
- FogVolumes=True

*source = http://www.shacknews.com/laryn.x?id=21272678#itemanchor_21272678

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