Widescreen Gaming Forum

Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res
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Author:  IndianScout [ 20 Oct 2006, 23:21 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I just spoke to my contacts at Evenbalance..

here is their reply..


I have a question from a few players playing BF2142, they are
complaining that with the modificaion of the command line "+szx +szy"
to support their widescreen TFT, that they are now getting PB kicked

is this something that has changed since BF2??



Have these players submit troubletickets, as this should not cause a
kick by PunkBuster.

**** ********
Research and Support
Even Balance, Inc.

as I stated before I've not had any troubles playing with my 19" wide with 2142..

hope this helps


Author:  king.mark [ 21 Oct 2006, 01:52 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I'm using this comand line (German version):

"C:GamesBattlefield 2142BF2142.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 2560 +szy 1600

and have played for 10+ hours without any problems

1000% AWESOME GAME :rockout :rockout :rockout

Author:  Gabbo [ 22 Oct 2006, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I just don't understand this argument about widescreen being a cheat/unfair advantage. Both CS Source (and in effect all source games) plus CS 1.6 (in effect all GoldSrc games) have full widescreen support, 16:9 and 16:10, with zero issues. Absolutely no-one complained about the widescreen support, and welcomed it in fact. Being two games that are fairly competitive, if widescreen was such an unfair advantage there's be far more complaining about how widescreen gamers have an extra advantage over all others and so on. CS players are known to be fairly vocal in their complaints. But there's was/is still next to nothing to hear about it.

But with the BF games, oh no! Widescreen is too much of an advantage, and not only that, people start defending EA/DICE for some reason and agree with this being the case. Why are people defending BF2/BF2142 and not having issue with the many other games with full widescreen support in multiplayer? Damn fanboys.


Well said good sir....


Author:  kurn1701 [ 22 Oct 2006, 02:50 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

ea are poofs and think that widescreen is a unfair advantage......

hmmm ok then by that logic...

there should only be 1 graphics setting for all of their games as having a faster cpu,more ram of better gfx card is a unfair advantage..

all ea games show olny have low setting then it would be fair......


Author:  Gabbo [ 22 Oct 2006, 05:04 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I'm using this comand line (German version):

"C:GamesBattlefield 2142BF2142.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 2560 +szy 1600

and have played for 10+ hours without any problems

1000% AWESOME GAME :rockout :rockout :rockout

A friend picked this up and said he has been playing with the command line tweak for several hours without getting kicked by PB.

Me confused... :?

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 24 Oct 2006, 08:55 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

I think sombody jumped the gun on this one, EVERYBODY was getting kicked by punkbuster even standard screen users because there was an issue with the game and PB, updating it via some instructions fixed it.

I belive your custom rez did not kick you but you were suffering the PB issue everybody else had, infact I am 99.9% sure of it. As the custom rez is just that its a part of the game and enabled via shortcut it doesnt change any of the games files or fov so it should not be detected.

Author:  The Mighty Wimp [ 24 Oct 2006, 20:04 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

Yeah if you just changed the res without messing with the FOV, wouldnt it be ok to play online?

Author:  ViciousXUSMC [ 25 Oct 2006, 09:25 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

yes it is,

Author:  Mercenary [ 25 Oct 2006, 13:01 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

Technically, widescreen resolutions give you an unfair advantage over other players.

Not that I care for the game at all, just stating fact.

No it ain't

You just have to learn to play with it. Widescreen make you move more with your mouse. With widescreen, you have to pay attention to more things (environmental etc.). So, the people who say that widescreen is a cheat, are jalous at it and want a biiiiiiG PWNING high DEfiNITION widescreen monitor :D

Author:  JohnnyWakko [ 25 Oct 2006, 14:20 ]
Post subject:  Battlefield 2142 - Punkbuster kicking for widescreen res

So, the people who say that widescreen is a cheat, are jalous at it and want a biiiiiiG PWNING high DEfiNITION widescreen monitor :D

Yeah!! YEEAAAHHH! You all just want some of my pwning widescreen monitor of love. Go ask you mummy if she will buy you a widescreen you wimpy wimpies!

Young gamer proclaims "Oh, look at me, oh, oh look at me, I'm so good. Look, I'm so leet at [insert game here] that no one can beat me!" Random Player beats him. "...hey! WHAT THE! You must have widescreen" Turns to mummy. "Hey mum!"
"Yes dear?"
"Can you buy my pimply ass a widescreen so I can be so good at [insert lame game here]?"
"No dear, your only 11 years old."
11 Year old turns back to [insert game here] and screams "YOUR A CHEATER! Unfair advantage! You cheat, you got a widescreen..."

It is such a peasants argument!

Don't blame the Widescreen boys (and ladies) for getting off thier own pimply asses to go to the shop and get a pwnage monitor. Its not our fault we got jobs (or can fund our debt).


/end Johnny's pasionate rant&rave

EDIT: I toned down that post a bit, passion got the better of me. My mistake.

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