Widescreen Gaming Forum

Modern WarFAIL 2
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Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 21 Oct 2009, 17:19 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

[quote]Callous, arrogant, and dismissive, both from the IW guys and the interviewer. Class act.

You've seen the way Bobby Kotick (CEO/President of Activision) wants to treat both gamers and developers? After reading his interviews, it doesn't surprise me at all that Activision and IW are trying this.
Funny you mention Kotick. I've run across his name a number of times but never bothered to read up on him. Due to the present fiasco, yesterday I went looking for information. You're absolutely correct. That guy's attitude explains a LOT of what's going on with Activision Blizzard.

(Obviously not aimed at you, GA, it's a generalised 'you'. :))

Awwww...I was just donning my eyepatch and dusting off the pegleg. ;)

Hey, if IW wanted to make themselves really popular, they could make MW2 will come with StarForce on the DVD. :P

Careful, some IW PR rep is going to steal your ideas. :P

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Oct 2009, 17:51 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

It's funny, really - if I was a bigwig in a company, or a majority stockholder, the last thing I'd want in 'control' is someone like Kotick. I mean, a man like that would treat both customers and potential customers like they were scum... which is not the way to keep or gain business. Short-term he might make them some extra money, but long term he's building up a lot of ill-will from both customers and developers. Having your own people hate you is not a good way to remain in power for long, unless you have the ability to execute people who blink wrong.

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 22 Oct 2009, 09:20 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

One of a few from here for those that wish to join a boycott, 130k+ on the petition now

Author:  GeneralAdmission [ 22 Oct 2009, 15:49 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

One of a few from here for those that wish to join a boycott, 130k+ on the petition now

Nice. Saw those quotes a few places...looks great as a sig.

The truth is the Sept. 22 comment was a flat out lie. No way that IW.net was conceived and built in a couple weeks.

Author:  sixshot [ 22 Oct 2009, 17:27 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Too bad they weren't more forthcoming with their ideas. Otherwise all of this would have been avoided. Too late for them now. As much as we wish for the game to bomb in both platforms, I can only hope that our decision to boycott the game will be felt when their sales expectations fall much shorter than they anticipated.

Author:  erikjanneman [ 22 Oct 2009, 22:28 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Too bad they weren't more forthcoming with their ideas. Otherwise all of this would have been avoided. Too late for them now. As much as we wish for the game to bomb in both platforms, I can only hope that our decision to boycott the game will be felt when their sales expectations fall much shorter than they anticipated.

Don't count on it. I'm thinking it will still sell through the roof. Probably a little less on PC. But still, sales will be big. There's just not a big enough group of people that cares about dedicated servers i guess. I myself don't really care (i will still be picking this one up), not into the modding or anything. Just want to start the game, and enter a server. The one thing that does bother me is that i have my favo servers. They have good rules and map rotation. Is it correct that this wont be possible anymore with the new IW.net thing?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Oct 2009, 22:43 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Don't count on it. I'm thinking it will still sell through the roof. Probably a little less on PC. But still, sales will be big. There's just not a big enough group of people that cares about dedicated servers i guess. I myself don't really care (i will still be picking this one up), not into the modding or anything. Just want to start the game, and enter a server. The one thing that does bother me is that i have my favo servers. They have good rules and map rotation. Is it correct that this wont be possible anymore with the new IW.net thing?

That's correct. Because there won't be servers - just a 'host'. Host sets rules (if they allow changes) and maps. Host will also get a massive advantage known as 'no ping'.

Author:  Tanuki [ 22 Oct 2009, 23:14 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Well I for one will be boycotting this. No sir, no money from me, I am going to pirate this shit.

Thats how a boycott works right?

Author:  Mach1.9pants [ 23 Oct 2009, 00:43 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Haha, not really.

I, too, have cancelled my pre-order. None of my clan mates plan on getting it so the Party feature is not really going to help. I want to go to servers with 'online acquaintances' and this ain't going to happen now. So I may buy it if my mates do but otherwise I'll play all the other games I have got ;)

Author:  StingingVelvet [ 23 Oct 2009, 01:42 ]
Post subject:  Modern WarFAIL 2

Up on Steam... $60, even for digital version, no preorder bonus.

Bend over!

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