Widescreen Gaming Forum

Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be
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Author:  squ1zzy [ 21 Aug 2007, 08:54 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Do we need a FOV for this? Or would the full version be fixed?

Author:  Samulies [ 21 Aug 2007, 09:53 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

this is terrible! lets get a fix for this up right away guys! I have this pre-ordered! >.<

Author:  Apple [ 21 Aug 2007, 10:19 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

If you run 4:3 res on the 360 do you not get more view top and bottom ?

Using the 360 VGA cable at 1280x1024 the game was running in 16:9 letterboxed, it was Vert- as normal.

Then I tested 640x480(480p) in normal(4:3) mode and it was like the PC demo, there was more FOV at the top and bottom. I could see the characters wrist etc..

So its Vert- in 16:9 compared to 4:3 on the 360 as well. But you'd think a game designed to run in 16:9 would be running correctly..... So the 4:3 overshot is still in question.

Author:  DaFox [ 21 Aug 2007, 10:45 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote]If you run 4:3 res on the 360 do you not get more view top and bottom ?

Using the 360 VGA cable at 1280x1024 the game was running in 16:9 letterboxed, it was Vert- as normal.

Then I tested 640x480(480p) in normal(4:3) mode and it was like the PC demo, there was more FOV at the top and bottom. I could see the characters wrist etc..

So its Vert- in 16:9 compared to 4:3 on the 360 as well. But you'd think a game designed to run in 16:9 would be running correctly..... So the 4:3 overshot is still in question.

But does the game running in 16:9/16:10 feel too zoomed in? I heard a few people complaining that it felt like that.

Author:  upstart [ 21 Aug 2007, 11:39 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

[quote][quote]If you run 4:3 res on the 360 do you not get more view top and bottom ?

Using the 360 VGA cable at 1280x1024 the game was running in 16:9 letterboxed, it was Vert- as normal.

Then I tested 640x480(480p) in normal(4:3) mode and it was like the PC demo, there was more FOV at the top and bottom. I could see the characters wrist etc..

So its Vert- in 16:9 compared to 4:3 on the 360 as well. But you'd think a game designed to run in 16:9 would be running correctly..... So the 4:3 overshot is still in question.

But does the game running in 16:9/16:10 feel too zoomed in? I heard a few people complaining that it felt like that.

It always does. Even with STALKER, before I even knew about the aspect ratio cutting the top and bottom off, I felt I was playing a game with binoculars on. Just had to come to this forum to support my suspicion.

It really sucks that devs do this to us hardcore gamers in this day and age. It means the true game experience won't come until the 3rd or 4th patch, usually. A sad thing for us hardcore gamers who are usually the ones pre-ordering the CE :(

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Aug 2007, 12:36 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I do find it amusing that the thread on the 2k forums has attracted absolutely no Moderator or 2k Games attention, but has attracted the attention of the trolls who seem to think that anyone with a better system than them doesn't have the right to use it to it's fullest... :lol:

Author:  codmate [ 21 Aug 2007, 12:39 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

I do find it amusing that the thread on the 2k forums has attracted absolutely no Moderator or 2k Games attention, but has attracted the attention of the trolls who seem to think that anyone with a better system than them doesn't have the right to use it to it's fullest... :lol:


I made a posting on Eurogamer.net and got nothing but abuse for dawing this issue to people's attention :?

It seems that those who don't care about widescreen gaming *hate* those of us that do for some bizzarre reason :shock:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Aug 2007, 12:46 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

It's mostly (or it seems this way to me) because until recently, widescreen gaming was the realm of the "elite" due to it being so expensive. It still is, in relative terms - to power 1920x1200, you need some serious GPU power - and those whiny little 14-year-olds who still haven't hit puberty yet get angry and start slinging insults around when someone has a better gaming experience than them. ;) :lol:

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 21 Aug 2007, 12:48 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Do we need a FOV for this? Or would the full version be fixed?
Yes mate ... I very much doubt that the full version will be fixed any time soon ...
They may fix it in a patch but who knows ... :?

Author:  BlueMak [ 21 Aug 2007, 13:23 ]
Post subject:  Bioshock: artistic vision - or not as the case may be

Hmm, well, Rainbow Six Vegas was fixed with a patch, but first 2K Boston has to accept that there is a problem before they fix it. I don't know about others, but the game is less appealing to me by the hour because of this.

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