Widescreen Gaming Forum

Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??
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Author:  Cornflake [ 20 Dec 2006, 04:45 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

I've been following this game for a long time, and I'm also dissapointed to hear it being released late :( . As far as graphics / gameplay goes, I'm looking forward to the game for all around realism, not just graphics... realism is always a big plus to gameplay. And, I don't like EA producing the game either, but look at it this way: Better it be released early and patched 100 times before the year's over than by produced by Ubisoft and be developed for the XBox 360 THEN ported to the PC with horrible performance and rediculous arcading gameplay. :wink:

P.S. Gabbo, i definentally reccomend getting the 8800GTX as soon as possible :) It beats every other card IN SLI 90% of the time, and would be well worth the purchase. Don't wait for the R600... you don't know if it will really be that much better.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 20 Dec 2006, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

P.S. Gabbo, i definentally reccomend getting the 8800GTX as soon as possible :) It beats every other card IN SLI 90% of the time, and would be well worth the purchase. Don't wait for the R600... you don't know if it will really be that much better.

And if it is, you'll regret it for the rest of... well, the cards life. :lol:

I'm really torn. It's always good to wait for the competitors answer - if for no other reason than the price cuts.

Hey, Intel are (apparently) gonna knock about 25-35% off the prices of some of the top-end chips (including Core 2 Quad) in response to continued threats from AMD in the price sector. A quad-core chip for $530? Yes please! :D (That might make them more affordable in the UK... ;))

Paradigm (who is looking at getting Core 2 Quad and an 8800GTX when the prices are down in the new year. ;))

Author:  Cornflake [ 20 Dec 2006, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

Well, I've been waiting a while to get a new Gfx card... I was going to get the X1900, X1950, and so fourth... but when the 8800 came out, I figured to go for it. You have to find the right balance between wait, and buy. If you wait for the competetors answer, and then you decide to buy it, the next leven in DX10 cards could be relased and leave you with a now "outdated" card. Lol, it's like russian roulette!

Judging from ATi's history, and being a proud ATi user up intil recently... I wouldn't expect the R600 to really be more powerful than the 8000 to make a difference.

P.S. Price cuts is a good reason to wait though :)

Author:  T0MCAT [ 21 Dec 2006, 01:05 ]
Post subject:  Crysis or crisis

Crysis or crisis
Hey Guys! What's all this. I can do some announcements too.
I'm buying everybody a drink.

Oh no, it will be next week...

oh no, next month...

oh no, probabely q3 in 2007...

... but when you get it it will be fantastic... if you may believe all my bearbottles on the wall...

pffff BULLSHIT if I wanne be teased I'll go to a stripclub !!!!!

Author:  neoWidescreen [ 21 Dec 2006, 07:15 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

Just wait... the source code to Crysis will get leaked and we'll have to wait to Q1 2008. :lol:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 21 Dec 2006, 21:44 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

Don't say that, neo. :P

Author:  g00seberry [ 26 Dec 2006, 23:46 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

To keep the anticipation up there's some new screenshots floating around.

These are the new Crysis/Real Life comparison shots, just keep clicking Next.

Author:  Hans Kloss [ 29 Dec 2006, 09:40 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

how about being pissed that not all humans on earth get enough food than a stupid computer game.

Author:  T0MCAT [ 29 Dec 2006, 10:16 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

WOW that was deep.

Oh yeah it's Christmas time thats that time when people suddenly grow a conscience...

Author:  mustangdelta [ 29 Dec 2006, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Crysis - Delayed - Now Q3 2007 or later ??

This exemplifies whats most wrong about PC Gaming. Whether its the magazines or the publishers pushing for all the different 'sneak peaks' or 'mini-level tests' we the consumer get bombarded with the PR only to have the developer push back the release date by months or even a year.

Trust me, I want a game that works out the box...but there's also respecting the gamer. In an industry of Duke Nukem Forever (subtitled - and thats just your wait for the game) you'd think developers would keep a closer eye or give more thought to completion dates....

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