Widescreen Gaming Forum

STALKER info ...
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Author:  Gabbo [ 03 Apr 2007, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

This game runs terribly on my system. It makes no sense. Any other 8800GTX users having terrible framerates in certain zones? I have friends with lesser systems that are running the game MUCH smoother than I. It was particularly unplayable in the sewers. I am talking 10-15 FPS at times. I tried lowering the resolution to a measly 800x600 and the framerate was exactly the same.

The only thing that makes the game playable is turning off Dynamic Lighting which makes the game look like crap.

My system is running every other game substantially faster than my previous x1900xt, but stalker makes me feel like I need a massive upgrade again. I am half tempted to stick the x1900xt back in and see how it runs.

Note: The game can run very well at times, but all too often, the framerate dives down to unplayable levels.

I want to like this game, but it has been nothing but frustrating so far.

Author:  Gabbo [ 03 Apr 2007, 22:42 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

Anyone at the Warehouse army base? How the [I have a limited vocabulary and resorted to profanity to make my point] do you turn off that god damn siren blaring ... infinite number of soliders keep spawning.. OMG.. HELP!!!

Sorry for swearing but im PISSED!!!!

Yeah... that siren was annoying. It never occured to me to find the siren and shoot it! (DOH!) I just stirred up the hornets nest, hid in a building and shot them all as they tried to enter. I then ran to the main building and got the documents. By this time the enemies had started to respawn so instead of fighting them all over again, I ran my ass out of the base.

I then quit because my framerates were so bad during all of this, that I felt sick.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 04 Apr 2007, 19:13 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

The solution is now updated with a new FOV hack that works with the Retail Patch v1.0001 ... :D


Author:  Klisto1 [ 05 Apr 2007, 05:45 ]
Post subject:  mods

thought some of you might like this mod for stalker.


now that thier forums are back up :D

edit; humm link just send you to main forum page.

well any ways on mod page look for this ........Vehicle Mod v1.0

Author:  crowing [ 05 Apr 2007, 06:09 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

Wahoo, good news about the FOV hack! You may want to fix that link though, Paddy :)

I don't think I've ever seen so many mods developed so quickly for a game before. Adding the fact that they seem to be serious about patching the game up, I'd say Stalker has a very promising future. And if you haven't heard, the word on the boards is that we may have another patch by next week!

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 05 Apr 2007, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

... You may want to fix that link though, Paddy :)

Oooops ... fixed.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 05 Apr 2007, 09:00 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

Any other 8800GTX users having terrible framerates in certain zones? ... It was particularly unplayable in the sewers. I am talking 10-15 FPS at times. I tried lowering the resolution to a measly 800x600 and the framerate was exactly the same.
Yeah it ran really bad for me too in that first underground level ... :(
There have been quite a few moans about it over on the GSC community forums ...
There was a link somewhere here on the forum that mentioned nVidia are working on optimised 8800 drivers for the game but I can't find it now ... :roll: ... sorry.
I found this with a quick google ... it may have been the link I just mentioned ... http://www.firingsquad.com/news/newsarticle.asp?searchid=14826

Who knows how true it is ...

Author:  Beanmaster [ 05 Apr 2007, 12:39 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

Vehiclemod is released:
made this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=792YKOV_DsU

DreamMod: Sleeping and dreaming system


Author:  JetSonic [ 06 Apr 2007, 02:24 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

I got windows vista and the only area of this game where i got bad frame rates is the ARENA. The army base was no problems, all the soldiers running around and I had no difference in frame rates from any other area of the game... but that ARENA.. OMG

ARENA must be bugged, my mouse gets all loosy goosey in there and the frame rate drops to almost 5/sec

No, I have not installed any patch for this game yet, nor do I want to. Im from USA by the way.

Author:  Gabbo [ 06 Apr 2007, 09:07 ]
Post subject:  STALKER info ...

I got windows vista and the only area of this game where i got bad frame rates is the ARENA. The army base was no problems, all the soldiers running around and I had no difference in frame rates from any other area of the game... but that ARENA.. OMG

ARENA must be bugged, my mouse gets all loosy goosey in there and the frame rate drops to almost 5/sec

No, I have not installed any patch for this game yet, nor do I want to. Im from USA by the way.

Yeah the arena was a little herky-jerky for me too. This is disappointing considering I just bought this 8800GTX and was expecting to run all of my games well.

Thanks for the info Paddy. I saw the announcement about the drivers as well. I was just disappointed when I heard my friend with his 7950GT was running it "silky-smooth" and here I was with a substantially more powerful card running the game with poor framerates.

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