Supposedly Activision are trying to justify it on the poor exchange rate. Don't think anyone quite believes them though. More like they know it's an incredibly popular game, maybe the most anticipated title this year for some, and so are milking it for everything they can.
I certainly don't believe it.
GBP has recovered quite nicely from the shape it was in four months ago. OK, it's not back at the level it was in July last year, but it's still not as bad as a lot of people are making out.
Activision are simply using what they see as an excuse to screw money out of people.
I don't see how Activision can be in trouble financially now... I mean they have the megabucks rolling in from all the WoW subscriptions. ;)
Eh, not that I was gonna buy it anyway. I liked the single player CODMW... but it had no replay value. And as I don't play online much (if at all) single player replayability is important for me.
Prototype looks interesting, I'd like to buy it... but the bugs put me off.