Widescreen Gaming Forum

Age of Conan Online
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Author:  Tamlin [ 25 May 2008, 12:12 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

Bought the game friday and hardly have had time to play it (tried a demo character, but found out that demo sucked after level 12, so I made a TOS which was a little bit better).

I liked that it was a bit training in Tortage first. Makes it soo much better later when going to the mainland and not having all the noobs running around like in WOW. :)

Author:  Mesh [ 25 May 2008, 18:00 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

Since I haven't been able to find a straight answer from reviews and the like I'll ask those who have the game.

Does conan have a single-player/offline/no subscription needed campain mode or not?


Author:  Tanuki [ 25 May 2008, 18:33 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

Does conan have a single-player/offline/no subscription needed campain mode or not?


I spent some time searching for this answer as well. The best I could find was that you always have to be connected to the servers to play. And there is no free mode. So...

Author:  Mesh [ 25 May 2008, 18:45 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

Figured as much,

Shame, it could have made a half-decent rpg.

Like we needed yet another mmo.

Author:  Vroshnak [ 27 May 2008, 14:14 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

Well I have a level 40 dark templar on the Deathwhisper PvP server if anyone wants to send me a tell in game. I'm not in a guild which is kinda crazy on a PvP server but I like the sense of danger.

The game is fun, the leveling is easy. I'm looking forward to going all the way to level 80, quiting, and joining again when an expansion comes out.

Author:  xocomaox [ 30 May 2008, 18:55 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

I recently ditched my assassin and started a Tempest of Set. much more fun, and I can rape groups of mobs.

I am level 21 now and have finally left Tortage (the starting zone). The cities beyond are massive and beautiful. Still don't have a lot of time to play, but I'm trying.

Would rather mod my car on a nice day, though. :P

Author:  JetSonic [ 03 Jun 2008, 14:29 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

I just cancelled my account with Age of Conan...unplayable after starting zone at Tortage for me...when i get to mainland the frames per second is even worse and horrible memory leaks on the server and i get crashes every few minutes
This game is garbage as is right now. So many complaining on the forums and they have cancelled as well

I will come back after six months...the game is still in Beta lol. This is so typical of MMO's as of late...why isn't this against the law yet? Releasing a game that just isn't finished...it is beyond finished..it's complete shitt

Author:  DaFox [ 03 Jun 2008, 18:10 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

I'm with you JetSonic.

It will be a good game... in a few months down the road.

Author:  JetSonic [ 04 Jun 2008, 04:15 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

You need tons of memory to make up for the horrible server Client running the game. 64 bit Vista helps alot, high end video card helps, 4gb of system memory helps or more like 8gb or 16gb

Everybody is saying Client side memory leak, poorly coded or whatever. Some people play the game flawlessly so they say, no crashes or lag. lol But the people who can run this game without crashes all got one thing in commong....tons of memory 4gb or ram and more some with 8gb on 64 bit systems, 64 bit central processors Core 2 Duos and Quad cores

I bought a new computer to combat this system memory hog of a game so I will be able to play it later on, in about a week maybe

One time i logged into play and as soon as my character appeared on screen in a city on the mainland...i got bumped from the server to desktop..instantly!

Author:  DaFox [ 04 Jun 2008, 05:22 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan Online

I was running completely fine with no Lag or anything, Averaging 40-50FPS on high. The whole reason I quit was the balancing and all the gameplay bugs.

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