Widescreen Gaming Forum

Hellgate London
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Author:  Manny Calavera [ 09 Oct 2007, 22:25 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Its not all online,it has a meaty Sp element to it ! I have been playing the beta with my wife and we have had a blast !

Author:  JetSonic [ 09 Oct 2007, 22:31 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London


I have never paid more for a game past it's purchase price before, but I may pick it up anyway, at least to check out if it's worth the monthly fee.

Hehe, i chuckled at this comment. You see it's the future of gaming. The more money you pay, the better upgrades you get for your character. If you don't get the elite upgrade, then you are a social misfit and outcast. The upper class will look down on you as a lower class loser

Get used to it, it's the future and it's happening now. Many massive online games are doing this right now. Hellgate London isn't even considered a massive online game either. Heck just regular fps games are doing this sort of thing, the consumer paying for bling

It's disgusting but the game manufacturers realize there is money to be made. Soon Blizzard and other game companies will be offering gold for sale to be used in their games

Author:  vläd [ 10 Oct 2007, 02:11 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Glad I could provide a little entertainment! It was rather intended. :wink:

I know the direction that the gaming companies would like to go in, but hopefully there will still be games such as Doom, F.E.A.R. and Half-Life 2 that expect the game to do well so that they could make more $$ out of expansion packs rather than a monthly fee.

Author:  BlueMak [ 10 Oct 2007, 07:57 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

There is only one way to stop this from spreading. Don't get the game and if you have to (say someone is threatening you with a C4) then don't pay the monthly subscription.

Author:  g00seberry [ 18 Oct 2007, 13:30 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Single player demo is released tomorrow! [source]

Author:  DaFox [ 18 Oct 2007, 14:08 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Ok, so I got into the beta today, Had high hopes and well I know its a beta but in my opinion this isnt a buy :(

Where to start, First configuring the options they have a great options menu all the features you would expect, muilti aspect ratio support for example. But in the controls config it went down hill. The list of actions that you can bind is probably half as big as all the keys you should be able to. Then comes a game breaking problem for me, you cannot bind many keys (basically locked) some examples are the left/right mouse buttons, shift, alt, ctrl.

Actually thats really my only real problem with it, and yes its enough to stop me from buying this game. Any time you make it so i cant do something (Jumping with the right mouse button) that i have done for years (started in 2002) then you have lost a sale.

Other minor problems: The HUD sucks, to be able to see the tool tip of what your spells do, you have to hold down Alt (not rebindable btw) then use your mouse to look over it.

When NPC's talk. They. Talk. Kind of. Like. This... One. Sentance At. A time. When they could easily fit atleast 3 sentences in the box.

Author:  Cabezone [ 18 Oct 2007, 17:48 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Other minor problems: The HUD sucks, to be able to see the tool tip of what your spells do, you have to hold down Alt (not rebindable btw) then use your mouse to look over it.

I agree with your other complaints, but I'm confused about this one. I don't see how they would do this any different. Also, when you put the spells on your hotbar, don't you already know what they do?

Author:  g00seberry [ 18 Oct 2007, 19:23 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

GamersHell link for the demo

Author:  Blinky [ 19 Oct 2007, 00:42 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

Then comes a game breaking problem for me, you cannot bind many keys (basically locked) some examples are the left/right mouse buttons, shift, alt, ctrl.

Actually thats really my only real problem with it, and yes its enough to stop me from buying this game. Any time you make it so i cant do something (Jumping with the right mouse button) that i have done for years (started in 2002) then you have lost a sale.

That's just ridiculous. Did this start as a console game? I can barely put up with locked keyboard functions in demos IF the full game doesn't feature such stupidity, but if they made the full game that way ... that's just insane. Akin to no ws support IMO.

Author:  Frag Maniac [ 19 Oct 2007, 07:24 ]
Post subject:  Hellgate London

DaFox did you try hacking the bindings in the config file? It could just be a limitation in the demo where an advanced key binding GUI was not yet in development. At the very least hopefully it will be patched if people make mention of it.

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