Widescreen Gaming Forum

Frame rates at 1680x1050
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Author:  ctrlsteef [ 18 Jan 2007, 09:24 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Yeah, I know how R6 runs on the X1900/7800/7900 generation off cards. I run R6 on my X1900 at 20 to 40 FPS myself with everything at medium.
What I'm specifically interested though (because the OP requested this) is how it runs on an 8800GTX specifically.
I don't want this thread being hijacked with people saying how R6 runs on there system so please only tell us your systems performance if you run a 8800GTX. :wink:

Author:  Daemonius [ 18 Jan 2007, 10:30 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

steef, how could I see the FPS ingame? As you know

I might buy the game and try it later today.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 18 Jan 2007, 10:38 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Best way to see the FPS is by installing FRAPS. It has a build in framecounter and it also enables you to easily record screenshots and movies while ingame. :D

Author:  Daemonius [ 18 Jan 2007, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Well I just might do that then.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 18 Jan 2007, 23:02 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

R6Vegas is now, officially, my system killer game.

FEAR runs smooth, Oblivion is laughed at... Vegas brings my gaming rig sobbing to its knees.

...and unlike NWN2, it isn't through horrifically bad coding...

Author:  Daemonius [ 19 Jan 2007, 07:16 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

I forgot to buy the game yesterday, but now I have it. I just got to get through todays work so I can go and try the framerates of this game with my 8800GTX. So steef, hold your horses for another 8 hours or so.

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 19 Jan 2007, 09:06 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

I can't wait. :lol: :P

Author:  Daemonius [ 19 Jan 2007, 18:19 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Ok so here's the results:

With 1160 frames, average of 29,135 FPS (minimum 19, maximum 61)

Video settings, using the 1680 binary file:

Vert sync: On
Hardware skinning: On
High Dynamic Range: On
Shadow Quality: High
Motion Blur: On
Blur Quality: Very High
Brightness: 5

And the rig used: In my sig...

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 19 Jan 2007, 18:30 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

I told ya, R6 is the only game that will bring an 8800GTX in trouble. :)

Author:  Daemonius [ 19 Jan 2007, 18:59 ]
Post subject:  Frame rates at 1680x1050

Maybe I should try to play for atleast 30 minutes to get a good average. But then again, your average anime has FPS of 24 and tv-show/movies has max of <30

So this is good enough to me. As I mentioned in some post regarding the soundquality of the Zalman 5.1 headset. If you want Hi-Fi sound get away from the computer. In this case. Get 8800GTX in SLI wih QuadCore processor...

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